Saturday, August 11, 2007

Jeremy Shifflett ~Beverley Manor District~


I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Jeremy Shifflett for a bit while at the Augusta County Fair this week when he was not actively meeting and talking with County residents and friends. Jeremy is running as the Republican candidate for Augusta County Supervisor of the Beverley Manor district which he has grown up in, developed business, and has been a part of the local community all of his life.

It was interesting to hear how his family has been in the Beverley Manor district for over 60 years and how much of the family has remained in the district and is an integral part of this district community as well as Augusta County. He told me how his Father is a contractor and has focused on building house suited to provide the homeowner opportunity to the first time homeowner. Jeremy’s Father has also been a part of the farm community as well as a Deputy Sheriff for 22 years in Augusta County and the Shifflett family has been vested in the local community in many ways. It is evident that not only Jeremy but his entire family has been a big part of the local community and has seen many changes to the Augusta community from an “Ownership” perspective. This in contrast to the Democrat Candidate who has only moved to the community 3 years ago and has very shallow roots in the community.

Jeremy grew up in the district he is striving to represent and with that many of the people he would represent and has the connections and relationships to know their views on issues. He attended Wilson High School and thus knows many of the local citizens who are the next wave of families and businesses of the Manor district. This is an important factor when representing the people of the district and being able to understand and relate to issues effecting the Beverley Manor district as well as Augusta County as a whole…

Jeremy developed and now operates a Home Inspection business along with being a part of the farm community with his operations in cattle and Hay production. This gives him a personal perspective when it comes to the “Growth” issue in Augusta County and how it effects the citizens of the community. He stated that “Smart Growth” is the key and it would be wise to use and develop the infrastructure we have in the county in the most efficient manner. With Beverley Manor being next to South River he has seen how medium\large manufacturing has come to the area and how it has benefited the community in many ways. Corporations such as Hershey, Mckee Foods, Hollister, and others have moved in and established beneficial operations to the area with little environmental impact by using “Smart Growth” techniques. A perspective that comes from a families lifetime and investment in the community and can’t be understood by a recent transplant with little investment or time spent in the community.

Jeremy has the time and lifelong investment in the local community to understand and relate to changing issues to Augusta County and specifically the Beverley Manor district. I look forward to working with and learning more from him regarding my local community and seeing him elected the next Supervisor for the Beverley Manor district. With that he will become part of a strong Republican team that is also invested in and understands the community that they represent…


  1. Jeremy's father, Jeremy's family.... are they going to make the tough decisions and cast the tough votes on the BOS? I'm afraid the GOP scrambled to find a last minute candidate when the first one quit and they settled on what they could get.

    Perhaps more troubling is the oft-repeated rumor that Jeremy's "political dad" is the gentleman behind him in the pic. This "dad" plans on being a stern parent on the BOS.

    What is needed for BMD and the county is a mature and independent voice. Jeremy is neither.

  2. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I know Jeremy and his family and they are closeknit part of this community And I would love to have somebody like him who we can TRUST and believe.

    I did see the democrat lady being led around the fair this Thursday by her handler (the older gray hair gentlemen who could care less about "BMD") and jumping through the hoops.I have also read on other blogs that she is associated with liberal hate groups like move-on and that is not something we need in our community. Many different types of "Maturity" and just becuase there is gray hair does not mean maturity especially when she knows nothing about BMD and the families who live here. We need a strong team of BOS looking out for the county and the districts and not making a statement against the machine!!!

  3. I agree that age does not equal "Maturity" and expeience and history in a community is an important factor. Also being vested in a district that you wish to represent is a very important factor also.

    I have not met the Democratic party candidate but I have dealt with many that she associates with. I have seen her at the anti-war events in Staunton and saw the way her "Friends" act at those events and there is much hate for the President and the "Machine" that Beverley mentioned. These are qualities in a leader that we do not need in a Supervisor. We need somebody who has become a part of the district and is invested in the well-being of the district and the County.

    Teaching and being advised by a "Political Dad" would be a very beneficial thing but what I see in Jeremey is a Supervisor that will make a wel thought out intelligent decision for his distric and county. I also know the person who was leading the Democratic candidate around the fair that the above comment refers to and I question what that "Political Dad" has in mind for the district and\or Augusta County???

  4. Liberal = hate. MoveON = hate. Then conservative = hate and Valley Family Forum also = hate. I'm sure you don't agree. Liberal/conservative are ideologies (much misunderstood by most who use them) and neither has a corner on hate (or love). MoveOn and Family Forum are interest groups representing viewpoints about what government should do. I may disagree with a group but that doesn't give me license to call them a hate group. Maybe we can agree that Nazis or the KKK or al Qaeda are hate groups..??

    I was at the fair--Mrs. Godfrey was not be led around by anyone. He was a volunteer and friend. If anything, SHE was leading. I've been to several supervisor meetings, comp plan meetings, and a mega-site meeting--Mrs. Godfrey was always there. Learning, participating, and being an instrumental part of BMD and the community. She's also led charitable activities, such as food drives, in the area.

    I stopped by the GOP booth at the fair to say hi to a volunteer I slightly know. Mr. Shifflett didn't find that an ample opportunity to speak to me or even acknowledge I was there.

  5. Anonymous6:44 PM

    My husband I first met Jeremy at the BOS Purchase of Development Rights Meeting . As soon as Jeremy arrived he was interacting with the attendants getting to know one on one how they personally felt about the issue. Mrs Godfrey just sat in her seat and the people she did talk to were the same old crowd she interacts with at any other meeting. Yes, she seems to be really concerned about the PEOPLE of Augusta County.

    Besides Mrs Godfrey seems to be the only choice the democrats could find for BMD and the County for that matter. Per the rumor my husband heard (from another Democrat), the Democrats thought they would have any easy win this Nov, for at least one seat. As they were going to use the conflict of interest issue to force the first BMD candidate to drop out of the race, thus leaving her unopposed. Because of this underhanded tactic I no longer consider myself a Democrat.

    Funny, how all the other Republican County Incumbents are unopposed, as our Delegates and even the open seat for my Middle River BOS. Where are the Democrat Candidates?

    How can you trust someone, to protect farmland, that lives in such an expensive sprawling subdivision that was once prime farmland just a few short years ago? Yes, Once again she seems to really care about our farming community.

  6. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I don't understand these attacks on Lee Godfrey, none of which really makes any sense? You say she's opposed to preserving farmland because she lives in a subdivision that once was farmland? Just about everyone in BMD lives on former farmland, and that subdivision is relatively modest. You say she's not committed to the community? She actually chose to live here, she chose to invest time and money to come here, whereas Mr. Shifflet is here because of the accident of being born here. (And Godfrey in fact lived for many years in Bath County, so she's not exactly a foreigner.) Who then is more committed? Lee Godfrey has experience and passion, which is why she was a clear choice to be the Democratic Party's candidate in that District.

    Instead of making spurious attacks against Lee Godfrey (and uselessly speculating about what may or may not have been said about another Republican candidate who is not running), maybe you all should concentrate on coming up with reasons why the BMD voters should put their trust in someone as young and inexperienced as Mr. Shifflet -- if you can.

  7. Anonymous1:10 AM

    WOW! You say, you don’t understand these attacks on Mrs Godfrey? Yet you say Jeremy is here because he was an accidental birth. Jesus man you just not only attacked him, but his mother and father.

    Jeremy didn’t choose he did invest his time, money and entire life into this community.

    How many other 23-year-olds do you know that own a business? Runs an entire farming operation? How many other 23 year olds do you know that have to make decisions that a person has to rely upon, in making a decision that involves the bigest investment of there lifetime? How many other 23 year olds do you know that have stepped up to the plate to serve their community? How many other 23 year olds do you know that gives a damn about where this county is going?

    You know nothing about him other then he as a Republican and 23 years old, so by default he’s a dumb kid who knows nothing. Until you have the chance to meet him and talk with him none you have no right to open your mouth and say anything negative about him.

    This man has the experience as a proven businessman and farmer and holds more passion for this county then anyone ever will. I made it a point to meet him last Wednesday night at the county fair, out of the entire conversation he never once said one bad thing about Godfrey. That’s why I registered to vote on Friday after work and I WILL vote for Jeremy Shifflett.

  8. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I don't know where one poster got her mis-information. Dems had nothing to do with Campbell dropping out. And the Dems also are running Mr. Pyles.

  9. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I did not say his birth was accidental and did not attack him or his parents. I said that being born in Augusta county was merely an accident -- a coincidence -- and says NOTHING about his commitment to the county. Yes, these other things you mention do count as commitment, but where he was born does not. I didn't say he was a dumb kid, I didn't even mention that he's running as a Republican and I said nothing negative about him at all. Why do you insist on putting words in my mouth. But the fact is he is only 23 and there's a limit to how experienced he can be. Maybe it's enough, but that remains to be seen.

    I'm certainly glad he didn't speak negatively of Lee Godfrey; she also doesn't speak negatively of him. But I'd like to point out that several posters on this blog, including the blog owner, seem to feel free to make ugly accusations about Lee Godfrey, and I don't imagine they know her any more than I know Jeremy Shifflett. I think we all owe it to the community to keep a civil tone to the discussion.

    He may be a fine young man, and the best 23-year-old candidate in the county, but nothing I've heard about him so far convinces me that he can hold a candle to Lee Godfrey's experience, skills and dedication to the community.

  10. Rightside, you're one of the more respected bloggers in our area, and this post, although I am not really much interested in local politics, has made me all the more now.

    It seems to me that Shifflett is the logical candidate for the position of office that he seeks. He is obviously a lot more experienced by way of living here, and is the true definition of a grassroots "ideal" candidate.

    Good writeup on Shifflett. I hope he wins the election.

  11. Anonymous2:34 PM

    The way I heard it, when the other gentleman dropped out at the nominating meeting due to conflict of interest, the chairman asked "Is there anyone else here from Beverley Manor?" Young Mr. Shifflett made the mistake of raising his hand and was nominated by default. That doesn't sound like commitment to me.

  12. So many Anonymous persons its hard to tell who to respond to and keep it all straight. Many versions of “Hate” out there and depends on the persons perspective and viewpoint.

    I did find it interesting how one “Anon” chose to say that Godfrey “Chose to invest time and money to come here” as compared to Jeremy who was here as an “accident” of birth and location. A whole another form of hate being used and it is enlightening to see which “Anon” chose to use that form of attack.

    As far as “Investing time and money” I believe starting and operating several businesses within the county and district is very impressive as compared to buying a house within a district. Not sure but the statement by “Anon” almost sounds like she may have “Invested” in a house within the district so as to be able to run for BOS from that district??? Now there’s commitment…

    Civil tone is all that this “blog owner” has asked for in the past and at times I have deleted several anonymous comments that were out of line. And this blog owner has not attacked or spoke negatively about Godfrey but have pointed out who she has been associated with at numerous anti-war protests and their actions. I have yet to hear or see Godfrey’s experiences, skills, or dedications to the community that anonymous # whatever claims. I have read that Godfrey asked\tell the Lt. Governor in a townhall forum that we need light rail to run from the Staunton area over to Charlottesville. What will this light rail carry? Passenger or freight? It has been shown and discussed in Route 81 meetings that rail is not efficient unless at least 500 mile line and strategically positioned. What and how much is Godfrey looking to move between Staunton and Charlottesville and at a cost of what?

    “Mr. Shifflett made the mistake of raising his hand?”… Not the way I heard it and in fact I was there. The Republican party has a deep bench within Augusta County and Shifflett is just one of many looking to represent the party in Augusta County.

    Aka “Blog Owner”…

  13. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I'd be interested to know just where exactly you read about the light rail proposal.

  14. "Lee Godfrey, a Democrat who is running for the Beverley Manor District seat on the Augusta County Board of Supervisors, offered one specific and concrete idea for Bolling to consider - putting more emphasis on light rail in future transportation planning, including a light-rail link between Staunton and Waynesboro over the Blue Ridge to Charlottesville."

    How would this benefit BMD?

  15. Anonymous10:09 AM

    RightsideVA said "I did find it interesting how one “Anon” chose to say that Godfrey “Chose to invest time and money to come here” as compared to Jeremy who was here as an “accident” of birth and location. A whole another form of hate being used and it is enlightening to see which “Anon” chose to use that form of attack."

    I see no hate there, and no attack. The point is that the fact Shifflett may have been born here isn't relevant to his ability to serve the District and neither is the fact that Godfrey was NOT born in the County. (In fact I like the notion that Godfrey has seen how things are done elsewhere -- it seems to me the BOS could use some new thinking.) You're the one who raised this as an issue, so if there's "hate" here I guess it comes from you. Shifflett didn't choose to live her; Godfrey did. That's not an attack (not by your definition); just pointing out a fact.

    As for the light rail idea, thanks for providing the citation. I don't know if it will fly, or if it is even a serious proposal, but what's wrong with being creative? Is there any cost to considering the proposal?

  16. And pointing out another fact I never said anything "hateful" about your candidate. I stated that she has associated with many downtown Staunton that have become very hateful and have shown it publicly.

    It is also a "Choice" to elect to stay somewhere and invest in several business' and the community.

    Light rail could be an option down the road but what will people say when the rail runs thru their backyard or other sensitive areas? Many are in favor of wind power until they are proposed off an famous compound offshore of Mass...

    Options are important and being "creative" is also valuable at times. Until it gets off track and gets away from the real reason for government. Look at the above post on "Bridges or Bikepath's"

  17. Anonymous8:41 AM

    So far, all of the inputs to this discussion are impressions or opinions of the people making comments. I would suggest that you interview the candidates for where they stand on matters that have, and continue to, affect the people of Augusta County, such as PDR, Comprehensive Plan, the Mega Site Study, etc. Development is an issue and we need intelligent, in-depth dicscussion. It does not matter what is your party affiliation, if any.

    I want to know what the candidates are in favor of and what they are against - and why. I want to know how much they know, and not their opinions, about population projection in Augusta County, what is happening in areas of VA that are and have developed. I want to know the details of their thinking. Otherwise I have no idea what they stand for and what is in store for the County.

  18. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Okay, As a 10th generation Virginian (all in the "valley") I could make the argument that Shifflett (and for you imports, which most of the Sayre type "republicans" are, you have to ask is that one t, one f and so on) that 60 years makes them an outsider to me and my family who have farmed, ran businesses and raised families for over 250 years...the point is it is all about perspective. I find it quite amusing that the "new" republicans like to associate themselves with blurbs like "family values", "christian", "patriotic," etc. when those living in glass houses (Vitter, Craig, Foley) find that throwing those stones came back to bite them in the ass...if that's "family values" then I believe someone has some explaining to do! As far as the "patriotic" tag, my father was a life long Democrat, a combat Marine Corp Recon veteran of the Korean War, who quite frankly if you called him un-patriotic or un-american would, well, kick your ass. I consider myself a "moderate" who has voted for both Republican and Democratic candidates and believe that the far left and far right are equal in their vitriol and am thankful for the moderates in government. To paraphrase a true Republican, Barry Goldwater, "Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed."; "When you say "radical right" today, I think of these moneymaking ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take the Republican Party away from the Republican Party, and make a religious organization out of it. If that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye." Amen!

  19. Chucky,

    Good post but I believe you take some liberties in your many accusations. I myself have only lived in the area for a short period, yet doubled the amount of time spent here by the Democratic Candidate, and far short of your family tree.

    I don’t believe it is an issue of time spent but quality of time spent and in what areas concerning the office being sought. I believe a strong background and knowledge of the farm community as well as history spent in the Augusta County school system will be valuable in dealing with future issues facing the BOS. Also knowledge and ties to the people being represented in the Beverley Manor district will be very important.

    Another liberty you took was claiming a close relationship with “Blurbs” and the living in a glass house scenario. When have you seen these “Hot” issues on Rightside or are you just taking more liberties in your assumption of me and Rightside? It is hard for me to identify you for by looking at your name all I know about you is that you operate a chain of cheap pizza\entertainment restaurants where people drop off their screaming kids for birthday parties. Other then that I try not to make accusations about you or your party affiliation. Just like I do not make wild claims that the Democratic Candidate Lee Godfrey is closely associated with the Liberal group I know that she has been identified by one of the local newspapers as a member of this organization that publicly attacked a Four Star General last week for his report on Iraq situation. Attacked by and many of the Democratic Senators that approved him for the position. If I was to take the liberties that you have of me I could closely associate Godfrey with from what I have read and the photos that I have seen of her at anti-war demonstrations, BOS meetings, Parades, County Fairs, and campaigning in the neighborhoods, and in talking with several people that the Democratic candidate has spoken with. But yet Rightside has not made any of these wild accusations nor have I “assumed”, like you have, of your party affiliation and their actions…

  20. Anonymous7:55 AM

    A short response until time allows for more discussion. The CC moniker is not associated with the pizza chain, rather an inside family name. One thing that irritates me more than anything is that local politics now requires a party association, which I believe is a terrible thing especially in the political environment that exist today...just tell me what your going to do and how you're going to do it would suffice rather than a party platform dictating what someone should say or think. My party affiliation is no true affiliation...Barry
    Goldwater would be who I identify with when it's a Republican and FDR/JFK would be who I identify with when it's a Democrat, but issues require more "Independent" thinking rather than towing the party line regardless of which party. Gotta go...back soon!

  21. Anonymous10:29 AM

    There is a non-partisian WEB site that deals with the issues facing Augusta County and the upcoming BOS elections.

    Whether you agree or disagree with its content you should read what it has to say and then enter into the discussion for what direction Augusta County should go.
