Monday, September 10, 2007

11 September ...



  1. Bush forgot. Dropped the ball on catching the real criminal who is still at large and an inspiration to new generations of terrorists.

    Bush forgot. Took his eye off Afghanistan, the real terrorist nation, by diverting resources and attention to Iraq.

    Bush forgot. By creating an anti-American terrorist breeding ground in Iraq.

    Bush forgot.

  2. Belle Rose,

    I believe the proper term and phrase used by your party is "Failed"...

    All we ever hear is how the President and his administration has "Failed" at this or that and when the ball starts to roll all of your representatives, media, and TV folk love to use the key phrase of "Failed"... You guys must have an impressive e-mail list to coordinate that well...

    I agree that your poster child is still at large and we should have taken him and the mountain range he was hiding in with a nuke. But would that have been acceptable to you and your "Representatives"? Or would that have been another heavy handed tactic by the "Cowboy" President that can do no right?

    And what more do you want in Afghanistan? Should Afghanistan be sterile and what more do you want to see there? If we had only stayed in Afghanistan where would Iraq be now? Would the terrorist still be there just as they are in Syria and Iran or do you deal with the entire region?

    There were or would have been no terrorist if the "Breeding ground" did not happen? Nothing but a slick term by your representatives to pull up at every opportunity.

    The truth is the President actually took action to deal with the growing terrorist after 9/11... No war is perfect and it has gotten to the point where we can not just send a couple of cruise missles or bomb from 40,000 feet and be done with it. Much talk about how this war is now longer then WW2. Guess what, this thing will last decades and even generations but at least we are now dealing with the cancer of terrorism instead of ignoring it as long as it did not happen on U.S. soil.

    Maybe if we treated the first attack on the World Trade Center as a terrorist attack on America and went after the terrorist with force instead of treating it as a police investigation, the second attack may not have happened...
