Sunday, October 21, 2007

Health Crisis, Not Healthcare Crisis…

. Senator from Mass. example of "Health" crisis or "Healthcare" crisis?...

Republican Governor Mike Huckabee had a great statement in tonight’s Republican Presidential Candidate debate…

“We have a health crisis, not a healthcare crisis”…

Which is very much true. We spend way too much money on healthcare to treat chronic diseases that can be prevented if we took responsibility for our actions.

A prominent Democratic Presidential Candidate has made herself known for advocating “Healthcare for All” and along with her party would love to have us dependent on their healthcare system. Instead of promoting personal responsibility for our own health they would rather have us begging and depending on the government for “provided” drugs…

Imagine the healthcare we could provide if we eliminated “Health” crisis like the example shown above…


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM


    Is this the best thing you can focus on? Your guys spent all night talking about fat people? No wonder your GOP administration has us in the problems we are.

    Hey get over to your SWAC*BUDDY Lynn's site for she is getting taken to task for her lies about the dreaded monsters in augusta county!!!

  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Great--Lard is lard any way you say it or see it.

  3. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Anonymous 1021

    But did you see how Lynnie allowed some cooments until she and those reading her propaganda started to see her errors and that has stopped again! They need to have something to blame the upcoming election loses on in November and might as well be as she claims!

  4. I believe Huckabee was right when he said a big part of the problem is that we have brought on many of the health problems we have. The photo of Teddy is just an example of how our society has become very obese over the years and this has resulted in many conditions we can prevent. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. We need to push away from the buffet instead of depending on the govt to deliver the miracle drug to treat our abuses.

    As I read it the Newsleader has gotten an incredible amount of hits on this one poll making it suspicious. It is obvious the NewsLeader has often conducted polls with bias, leading, and\or slanted poll questions. This question has picked up steam becuase it appears of substantial outside influence and deternmined effort to skew the outcome.

    I do notice the NewsLeader did not remove the poll once it took off like it did. Credibility is easy to lose...

  5. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Rightsideva, or should I say Steve Kijak,

    Maybe it's just the newsleader getting the attention it should and people voting the way they feel about SurgeBob! Whenever the story is not going your wya both you and Lynnie claim bias in the media and disregard the facts. SwacGirl Lynn still has not admitted to the "falsehoods" of her blog and continues her spin. She will have plenty of time to spin all she wants after november this year locally and nationally next November because VIRGINIA will be BLUE!

  6. Anonymous,

    Does 5,000+ votes to a NewsLeader poll sound normal? Do you believe that ,many people log onto the NL on-line page?

    What happens over at SwacGirl is her blog and she is the operator. I write Rightside as I see it and should be judged for that on its matter...

    November will be interesting and the people will pick the correct person

  7. Anonymous11:25 PM

    I do certainly find it amusing that the anonymous crowd are quick to attack but do so from the cloud of anonymous posters.

    Steve you should be flattered that not only do they feel your blog is a great place to discuss others but that they feel it important enough to make sure you get full credit for what you do here.


  8. It is somewhat obvious who "Anonymous" is for he likes to identify bloggers by name to feel like he is letting out a secret. Not a problem for many know who Rightside is and the "Name" fits the blog I believe...

    Posts have been slow but have found when forced or just reporting the same in the paper without a "Rightside" viewpoint many do not return to the blog..

    Thanks for the visit Bubba, now go shoot something...

  9. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Nope. Saving my ammo for the global darkening riots. that sun burns out every night...must be running out of fuel or all those pesky humans are turning the earth...Either way I'm waiting for a documentary from the Cult of Gore film studio.

