Sunday, October 14, 2007

Mr. Gore: "Please Retain Original Package"...


Al Gore won the Noble Peace Prize last week for his efforts to educate the world about the dangers of Global Warming and his film “Inconvenient Truth” which has numerous questionable facts\statements.

It might be a good idea Mr. Gore to hang onto the original packaging for the Peace Prize you received for if history repeats itself, which it often does, you will probably need the packaging when it comes time to return the Prize. Just kidding. We all know that the same people who decided to give you this prize for Global Warming also gave Prizes to the terrorist Yasser Arafat and even gave one to President Jimmy Carter. Don’t worry, they will never ask you to return your prize 20 years down the road after the weather pattern cycles come full circle once again…

I remember when I was back in 5th grade in the 1970’s and they told me that we were facing a “Global Cooling” crisis. It was all over the media and I remember the front cover of Time magazine claiming the crisis coming. It is now 30+ years later and we have come full cycle in weather patterns and heat\cool periods…

Investor Business Daily has some interesting points and facts over at:
The first error Gore made, according to Burton, was in his apocalyptic vision of the devastation from a rise in sea levels caused by melting polar ice caps. Gore's claim of a 20-foot rise "in the near future" was dismissed as "distinctly alarmist." Burton wrote that such a rise could occur "only after, and over, millennia" and to suggest otherwise "is not in line with the scientific consensus."
As we have noted, the scientific consensus is that sea levels might rise anywhere from 7 inches to 23 inches, but it would take a century for that to occur. Even the latest IPCC report suggested that it would take a thousand years of higher-than-historic temperatures to melt the Greenland ice sheet, the basis of Gore's claim.
On Gore's claim that the loss of Mount Kilimanjaro's snows was due to climate change, the judge said the scientific community had been unable to find evidence of a direct link. In fact, it found the opposite.
In 2002, glaciologist Lonnie Thompson reported that from 1953 to 1976, a period of global cooling that had some predicting a new ice age, a full 21% of Kilimanjaro's main glacier disappeared. It was caused not by man-induced warming, but by deforestation.

By the way Mr. Vice President. During the same period of Global Warming that you describe in your film the Solar Activity of our Sun has also increased considerably. This has resulted in raised temperatures being recorded on other planets such as Mars, where as far as we know has a small number of SUV’s on it , so it’s doubtful that the SUV’s are the cause as you claim here on Earth… Might wanna take a look at that big bright thingy over your shoulder there...


  1. More denial from people who will not wake up to the HOT TRUTH and TEMPERATURE!!! President Gore should be praised for his courage and efforts to wake you idiots!!

  2. Anonymous8:05 PM


    What are your scientific credentials? The bottom line is that much about what causes changes to the environment are unknown. This is best illustrated by the large increase in funding in global climate research, and increase in publications regarding global climate changes. Grants are not given, and papers published on settled science. In science there are many apposing views, and a vigorous debate is needed to determine the best answer. Although I have an advance science degree dealing with the environment, I remain a skeptic. (not a denier). Too many global warming advocates, which you appear to be, behave more like the pope than Galileo. If the facts do not agree with the preordained conclusion, they want to excommunicate the person bringing up the idea. Too often on both sides of the debate, but mostly on the advocate side, I see highly credentialed scientists dismissed for pointing out flaws and weakness in global warming arguments, pro or con. The UN report is more a political document covered with the veneer of science, yet even by the standards of this document, many of Al Gore’s statements are outlandish and false. One of the first thinks I learned in my graduate environmental chemistry class, was not to trust models, we went through case after case where the model was wrong. My professor told us that the only thing a model is good at is predicting the known data, and never to trust a model that can’t do that. Yet most of the faith in global climate change is based on models that can’t even predict the past correctly. Doe this mean we should not work to improve the environment and lessen man’s impact. No. However, we should look at what we can do without destroying the economy. A depression would have a much greater negative effect on the environment than all the problems caused by global warming even if the worst case models are correct. We also have to stop raping the land in pursuit of “green solutions” such as the requirement for ethanol, wind energy production and many of the so called eco solutions.

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Gore proves one thing......

    Drinking Kool-Aid makes ya think it's hot or gettin hot.

    I think it's great to spawn debate and look at things globally that may not be in the best interest for the inhabiants of this rock we live on, but to what Gore has done is made an inaccurate film that has created a "cult" of predetermined psudo-science. And then sold the cult kool-aid to any nut job out there willing to drink. But then again he isn't a scientist, and he isn't a politician, but he is now in the realm of Hollywood where the truth is hidden and fiction is made real, so what do you expect?


    Been gone too long, but now I'm back. at least until someone cuts the phone lines to the new bunker on the eastern shore. Kinda miss the mountains, but now I've got a clear field of fire for miles......

  4. Kooch,

    I agree and a ugly truth that the enviromaniacs fail to admit to is "Global Warming" is BIG business in many ways.

    There are many scientist out there drooling over the research grants out their to keep their employment rates high for the next decade or so until it starts getting "Chilly" again.

    Another BIG business is all of the attention and praise Gore is getting now from the Hollywood and feel gooders which he could not get as V.P. or possible President. He needs to stay out of government for if he goes back he will lose the attention and especially when he fails to carry out the far left liberal\eco promises he has made...


    Good to see you back and clear, overlapping fields of fire are utmost important...

    Happy Hunting boys...


  5. I dont need any "scientific credentials" to be able to see that the earth is getting hotter and what we are headed for. Virginia is in drought alert and last week was hotter than ever around here. The majority of scientist have signed saying that there is global warming and Al Gore said it is time to stop debating and start doing something. You guys just keep you head in the sand and deny the FACTS so you can keep your economy going to fill your fat pockets!

  6. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Since I do not live on other planets the statement that they are growing warmer is a little out side the actual know information. However if they are warming and the earth is warming doesn't it seem reasonable to start to plan on what we are going to do with the people displaced when the ocean rise.

  7. It would be wise to make plans when\if they are displaced by the rising oceans due to Global warming and recuring temp cycles. In fact several scientist have come out to agree with Gore that they feel the ocean levels will rise but at a much slower rate and extent. In fact they are talking in decades, half and full centuries rather then the extreme that Gore claims...

    It will also be interesting to find out why the temps rise if they do as Gore and his gang predicts. NASA and other agencies have noted and recorded the temp increase on Mars that also follow the rise in the sun's actvity. Again, It might just be the sun no matter how much you ignore it...

    "start to plan on what we are going to do with the people displaced when the ocean rise."

    I lived in the Florida Keys for years and each Key I lived on was once a coral reef many years ago. Did they have SUV's and evil Haliburton corporations back then bringing on that disaster which raised the ocean level enough for the Keys to be a marine reef?

  8. "As land masses go, all of Florida is a mere child, having emerged from the sea as recently as 20 to 30 million years ago. For eons its bedrock base lay beneath the warm waters of the southern sea. Slowly it collected sediment, building limestone deposits that would eventually rise above the surface. As distant glaciers froze and melted, the seas rose and fell, forming and reforming the shores of Florida, depositing silt and bits of sea life."

    "The Florida Keys lie on a thick layer of limestone. The rock is covered by an ancient coral reef. In the lower islands"

  9. Right,

    Cute fact but here are some real facts that can be found on hundreds of internet sites out there.

    "The United States, with only four percent of the world’s population, is responsible for 22% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. A rapid transition to energy efficiency and renewable energy sources will combat global warming, protect human health, create new jobs, protect habitat and wildlife, and ensure a secure, affordable energy future."

    And also "Malaria. Dengue Fever. Encephalitis. These names are not usually heard in emergency rooms and doctors’ offices in the United States. But if we don’t act to curb global warming, they will be. As temperatures rise, disease-carrying mosquitoes and rodents spread, infecting people in their wake. Doctors at the Harvard Medical School have linked recent U.S. outbreaks of dengue fever, malaria, hantavirus and other diseases directly to climate change."

    Here "Super powerful hurricanes, fueled by warmer ocean temperatures are the “smoking gun” of global warming. Since 1970, the number of category 4 and 5 events has jumped sharply. Human activities are adding an alarming amount of pollution to the earth’s atmosphere causing catastrophic shifts in weather patterns. These shifts are causing severe heat, floods and worse."

    Facts are there you just will not look at them!

  10. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Mediator 07

    I wish I had more time to respond to your gibberish, but I need to put a kid to bed so have to type quick and be brief. You say go with the facts. Lets look at a few of your items. Hurricanes. The link between any global warming and increased hurricane activity has largely discounted in the literature. Not totally, but the consensus is that there is not a link (this does not mean that minority view will in the future be proven, but is not currently considered the best hypotheses.) Malaria and other “Tropical Diseases” Both malaria and yellow fever are endemic to the US. The reason we do not have them is because we have instituted mosquito control in the US to prevent the spread of the diseases and broken the human/mosquito cycle needed for malaria to live by the use of modern medicine. You advocate the use of renewable resources. Just by mandating 10% ethanol used in gas has had a large negative impact on the environment. Recently there was an article in the Baltimore Sun, on the negative impact of increased corn production on the Chesapeake Bay. The increase in corn prices have lead to marginal land being planted for corn, increased runoff into waters (one of the major problems with the Gulf of Mexico is the nutrient runoff from the Mississippi), and is causing major problems with the food supply of our poorer neighbors to the south due to increase in the price of the staple food of the poor, corn. The production of ethanol in Brazil, (given as a model) is a major cause of the destruction of the Amazon Rain Forest. How many millions of acres of land would you despoil to put up solar panels to replace more efficient fuels?

    Would go on but out of time.

  11. Anonymous9:36 PM

    The real crux of the issue is that the enviroment is so dynamic that making any drastic change to alter what we have already done (or what has happened due to natural emmissions and age) could cause worse issues. We really don't know. Basing any argument on the fact that the USA became the largest industrial nation before many other areas is flawed logic. Just wait to see what happens to the global scene with India and China becoming rapidly industrialized. (look at demand for Oil there...Haliburton isn't pumping fuel in China)

    Mother Nature has been taking care of this Planet long before we got here, and I dare say that animal life and volcanic activity and natural fires have put more pollutants in the air that we could have if we had tried to cause global warming.

    Look back to ancient history before Al Gore's internet (he did invent that right?) was around and you will see evidence of weather patterns causing floods, massive storms and famines way before Henery Ford came on the scene.

    The problem with the Cult of Gore enviro-nazis is that they are educated beyond their intellegence and all common sense that they may have had has been removed.

    10 years from now some ex-Cult of Gore fruit cake will be complaining that widespread use of solar panels has caused a global cool down by mass absorbtion of solar energy that should heat the earth creating weather patterns.

    You want to slow global warming? Then eat more beef. Someone somewhere is blaming cow farts for increased methane levels....LOL


  12. Anonymous9:39 AM

    It is amazing that you people can not see that the temperature is rising. Look at your lawn and you will see dry grass and a drought warning for Virginia!
    We now know that the cause is from Man no matter if you people will admit it or not. Al Gore is being responsible and standing up to do something about the problem.
    A problem that Mediator gave several examples of what will happen due to warming weather you admit it or not.

  13. Headed for work so little time to respond but where are all of the devastating hurricanes that were predicted this year?
    What about last year?
    After Katrina there was incredible blame on Global warming and that many more Katrina's were coming?
    Where are they?

  14. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Gee. It rained today, so now my grass is green. I guess the global warming crisis is over......

    You do a great job of illustrating the Cult of Gore Enviro Nazi issue. Which is to look only at the immediate short term issue.
    Global warming if it exists as the C-o-G folks want it to be viewed is a dynamic issue, and it has roots that go back way before Man was even on the planet. Evidence in ice cores and tree rings indicate severe swings in global conditions on a regular basis.

    Life was so much easier when droughts, floods, fires, volcanoes, typhoons, ect could just be blamed on angry gods. Then you kill a few sheep, toss some virgins in the lava and life got better.

    Weather and the global climate have patterns. do some checking and you will see a pattern of drought and wet seasons over the course of history for the state, region, country, continent, and hemisphere. and that pattern existed long before any one could blame it on Man.

    If you feel so strongly that Man (you) are the cause then please take the first step in solving the problem. Admit you are the issue and then go play in traffic until you are no longer an issue (and a couple cracks in the road get filled at no tax payer expense)

    Otherwise, you can do things that make sense like conserve energy and help reduce local pollutants and recycle, because they make sense and are practical and will help us become less dependent on other nations or reduce the amount of waste we put into landfills, ect, but don't try to ram some enviro nazi BS down my throat or strangle economies because some wacked out ex-political nut job can shoot a fictitious documentary film and fool people into thinking that there is a problem we made and that there is anything we can do to reverse a cycle of nature that started when the earth first cooled down from a ball of molten rock.

    OH GOD...OH my GOD....ALLAH....WHOEVER.... it is dark outside.... the sun must have run out of fuel! We must be experiencing global darkening! Quick find me some virgins!

