Monday, October 15, 2007

"What the Flop"!!!


Just got home from work and turned on the T.V. to find the Democratic Candidate for State Senate sitting in his kitchen with a cup of Java looking to tell me of his “vision” for Virginia…

At first I just heard the audio and did not see the candidate, and in fact I thought it might be the Republican incumbent Emmett Hanger or even the Libertarian Candidate Arin Sime. I heard things like a call for conservative, responsible government, and making the government we now have operate more efficient without raising taxes.

Imagine my surprise when I looked at the screen to find the Democratic Candidate who just a few weeks back in a Daily News Record article stated that he wanted to raise my fuel tax by 2 cents a gallon.

In fact it was during a Candidate debate where the discussion was dealing with the transportation issue and the use of the “Abusive Driver Fees” to help pay the Transportation bills. The Libertarian candidate stated that he felt there are enough opportunities to improve efficiency within the state budget to find the $50 million expected from the abuser fees. Republican State Senator stated: “Finding the money within the budget should be considered, Hanger said. But he did not rule out possibly supporting an increase in the gas tax, if there was no other way to raise the money.” he then added: “One penny on the gas tax, Hanger said, would raise the $50 million the state expected from the abusive driver fees.”

During this same candidate debate, the same guy that was sitting in his kitchen with a cup of java on T.V. when I got home today, was quick to chime in when talk turned to a possible tax hike on fuel. Once another candidate brought up the possibility to raise fuel tax by 1 cent a gallon the Democratic candidate was quick to double that to 2 cents a gallon.

“(The Democratic Candidate) was more certain. He supports an additional 2 cents on the gas tax, for now, which would raise $100 million."

This was coming from a guy that now wants to improve efficiency in Virginia and not raise my taxes? I looked hard at the screen to make sure it was the Democratic candidate and there is no doubt once I saw his face and heard his campaign slogan.

The short visit with the Democratic candidate in his kitchen, with a cup of Joe, had him sitting on a stool with his feet out of view but I think we all know what type of foot ware he was wearing … (See above photo)…


  1. The "DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE" is David Cox from Lexington and he is the only one looking to make a change in Richmond. He will be the only one who will stand up to the republicans that continue to run virginia with heavy hand.
    He is sincere and will do something about the outrageous abuser fees that are designed to make the middle class pay while the big corporation trucks comntinue to clog route 81.

    David Cox will actually do something! as he promises in his campaign slogan!

  2. How is it that the Democratic candidate was jumping at raising fuel taxes twice as much as either candidate once it was suggested a possible 1 cent tax per gallon? And that was only suggested if savings could not be found. The Democrat must have figured hey if we can tax another $50 million from the people why not $100 million!!!

    And what is wrong with punishing the habitual abusive driver that drives drunk, reckless, and the likes? I notice it was also the Democratic candidate who is one to claim it will hurt the middle class family? Is this the Class warfare card starting to come out once again?

    I do not care what class or wealth of the person is who just crossed the center line and is headed directly into my line of travel and a head-on collision. I care about the candidate who does not want to punish the abusive driver because they may not be able to "Afford" their abusive actions.

  3. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Hmm.... those big corporation trucks carry enough fuel that they can just crusie right on down that clogged up I-81 corridor and never drop a cent of tax money here. If they buy fuel before they hit the Commonwealth of Taxation.

    Most Middle class folks I know, work with and employee can't afford to get a ticket or face an abusive driver charge, so they OBEY the law. Let the people who have no regard for the common good fund the commonwealth. Raising taxes on fuel, or tires, or the little green airfreshener thing isn't going to give the deterent effect that the fees will have. and that deterent effect will free up the police to do things like enforce the laws better on the interstate and make us all safer at home and on the roads.


  4. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The repuklicans passed a bad law and now they are paying for it. They are doing nothing but protecting their fat wallets and their buddies without doing something substantial about the transportation problem.
    All we need to do is tax the fuel so Everybody pays their fair share instead of putting another thing on the backs of the middle class.
    David Cox will do SOMETHING for the people of Virginia instead of just for the repuklicans

  5. Anonymous 931,

    I like the talk of Libertarian Arin Sime when he says that we should be able to find the estimated $50million a year needed in Va Government waste. The Democratic candidate Cox was quick to jump it to 2 cents a gallon more when he saw the opportunity but in his latest commercial he claims he wants to improve the effiency of Va govt and not raise taxes?

    No traction with the tax increase talk?

    Did Cox see the writing on tha wall and changing his tone before the election?

    Did another Democratic candidate who got elected in Va go back on his promise of not raising taxes?

    And what happens when the lower income people of Virginia start to complain when their fuel bills go up by that extra $100 million that Cox wanted? Will he then changes his tack to cater to their votes?

    Writing on the wall and we are in the home stretch...


  6. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Do you even have a inkling of any idea how much tax is already on fuel?

    taxing fuel is the easy way out for a slime ball politician. eventually someone somewhere is going to realize that taxing fuel to get at transport companies, or taxing business is really just taxing the base consumer anyway, because the extra cost is just passed on to the consumer.

    You want to do something that will really fix things then look at moving to the FAIR TAX as a state tax system and then we would see some serious economic growth and revenue levels in the state go up because then truely every one who spends a dollar in the state would be truely contributing to the state treasury, and those who want to save could save......
    ......... whew....Rightside i almost whent off on a Fair Tax tangent..........

    ---any additional tax on fuel is a bad idea. especially with Oil at over 88 dollars a barrel.


  7. Tax on fuel in Virginia is low compared to many states and there is plenty of room to add more tax there to pay for the roads. Also Va has a low tax on ciggarettes and we should raise them to bring more revenue into the state government.
    Lee Godfrey is running for supervisor in Beverley Manor and she would be great for she advocates adding light rail to solve the transportation problem along 81 in the valley. We need key people like David and Lee in place to bring real solutions to the problems that the Republicans have brought on in the last decade!

  8. Mediator,

    So you advocate raising the fuel taxes in Virginia for we are lower then other states and that makes a increase alright? We should raise taxes to be like New Jersey, D.C., California, etc and other Democratic strongholds so we can send more money to Richmond? If you notice people are moving out of these areas as fast as they can because they are taxed too high and instead of spending their earned money the state capitols are instead. Increasing taxes to send more money to Richmond instead of allowing the free market and the taxpayer to spend their money wisely is foolish at best…

    Godfrey has come out several times with her light rail solution to the transportation problem in the Valley and wants to run a train over to Charlottesville with it. The problem is that it has been proven that it takes at least 500 miles of operating rail with connections to make it economically feasible. What happens when the StarBucks express from Staunton to Charlottesville is unable to produce revenue to make it work? Will Godfrey then advocate another fuel tax, cigg tax, or the likes to bail out the light rail? And who does the fuel\cigg tax hurt most?

    Now if the rail included service to say a manufacturing plant like a Toyota assembly operation in the Valley, it could then produce enough revenue and profit to sustain light rail passenger service as well as rail to move products made in the Valley. A manufacturing plant like the one we almost had with Toyota would also bring many jobs, filled by people from the Valley, averaging over $67,000 and providing great benefit packages. Godfrey has stated numerous times that she wants to bring good paying jobs with benefits to the valley but unfortunately has no examples. We lost the opportunity to bring a plant like Toyota to the valley because of a small vocal group who strong armed the BOS. The Mega-site was a perfect example of how people like Godfrey want solutions but only if it fits their “Progressive” utopia. Tell it to the parents who are watching their children move out of the valley due to no job prospects where they grew up and live. Only gonna be a few jobs serving StarBucks on the shuttle over to Charlottesville. We need Supervisors who can come up with and grasp productive ideas for the valley…

  9. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Cox has nothing to give and flip flops his answers like any other democrat. It is time for Sime.
