Friday, February 15, 2008

Hillary wants YOUR profits!...


Speaking today at the DNC's winter meeting, she let that same Hillary-knows-best side show:"The other day the oil companies recorded the highest profits in the history of the world. I want to take those profits".

"Many of you are well enough off that [President Bush's] tax cuts may have helped you. We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to have to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

Hillary and many of her Democratic friends in Congress claim that they “Feel our pain” at the gas pump and want to do something about the outrageous profits being made by the oil companies. But lets take a look at those profits and who is really making out with the money taken from us at the pumps…

Investors business Daily has a very good article and information showing how much the “evil oil companies” actually make and which pockets the profits end up at…
If Hillary and friends were really interested in reducing our pain at the pump they should look at lowering the tax rate on fuel. “ Over the same period, an additional $1.34 trillion in excise fuel taxes was collected from consumers by the oil companies and turned over to various governments“.
Many from the Democratic Party including Hillary have highlighted the “profits” made by Exxon recently and how they feel Exxon is the total cause of our ills… But lets look at some of the data that shows how much these “Evil oil companies” are paying Hillary & Friends in taxes…

“On those "outlandish" 2006 profits, the company paid federal income taxes of $27.9 billion, leaving it with $39.5 billion in after-tax income. That $27.9 billion was more than was collected from half of individual taxpayers in 2004.
In that year, 65 million returns — which represent far more than 65 million taxpayers because of joint returns — paid $27.4 billion in federal income taxes. And those taxes were paid on adjusted gross income of $922 billion, according to IRS data, yielding an average tax rate of 2.97%“.
Better yet let’s look at what the Oil companies has turned over to the government in the past and is that really the companies “Profits” or the increased amount we pay at the pump to pass onto the government?

And it's not just Exxon Mobil that's paying the freight. From 1977 to 2004, according to Tax Foundation data, U.S. oil companies cleared $630 billion after taxes while paying $518 billion in federal and state corporate taxes at an average rate of 45%“.

Hillary and friends could also lower their “Outrageous” and record profits they are getting from these tax revenues and effectively decreasing our “Pain at the pump” if they truly wanted to…

And another thing. These profits that they talk about. Who\where is the actual Mr. Exxon and where does he live? Take a look at your 401k and or mutual fund and you will find that your retirement is probably invested in these “evil oil companies” and you are the one benefiting from the profits Hillary wants to take…

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