Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Motocross at Expoland VA...


There has been much talk in the local media regarding the proposed Motocross track at Expoland… Once again a coordinated attack by a vocal group of homeowners will concentrate on the local government officials who will be tasked on deciding the ultimate outcome of this proposal…

With that this “Neighborhood Association” will focus on submitting a never ending supply of letters to local editors to keep their claims in the news as much as possible. Many of these claims focus on the noise, dust, and “Bad” element that a sport like this will attract…

Simply go to Google Search and enter “Expoland VA” in the maps section. You can then zoom into the area of Expo and get a detailed map of the area. Then click on the satellite icon and you will find a clear, recent photo of expoland and the surrounding area.

You will also find that the nearest cluster of homes is located across the four lane highway of Virginia Route 64 in Fishersville, VA. A roadway that provides a constant source of background noise from commuter traffic and truck traffic that has been there for many years. In fact this background noise was there before many of the “Neighborhood Association” members ever bought or built their homes.

Dust is another weak argument for the track would be “Watered Down” routinely for that provides a better surface for riding and any “Dust” that escapes would be minimal as compared to local farming functions which have also been present many years before any “Neighborhood Association”…

A simple argument of NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) by people who wish to benefit from local community revenues as long as they do not possibly effect their little domains. At the same time they ignore the fact of potential tax revenue and business coming to the area benefiting many more people then those within the “Association”… Increased business at the local food places, potential new business in the form of a motorcycle center, increased business at the new Harley Davidson location, maxed out occupancy at the Hampton Inn just across the highway, and a sport destination within the County…


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I want alternative, Non-polluting, energy like Windmills...


  2. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Once again the commonsense voice of rightside comes shining through-
    Interesting that the Hampton Inn would host the opposition meetings when they'll benefit from the park so greatly-wonder if corpoate knows of their local politcal posturing?

  3. TF,

    Thanks for the kind words and "Calling thems the ways I see'ems"....

    Did not know about the Hampton Inn hosting the opposition meetings and it would be interesting the "motive" behind that.

    Took a ride over there today to look the area over and found the "Community" that is in the uproar is one of those "Progressive" Living communities who are out to dictate what your house will look like, how you will cut your grass, and how you will conform to utopia environment... Just note how each house\duplex looks the same down to the front door and allowed decorations...

    "Resistance is futile, You WILL be assimilated"....

  4. Anonymous9:00 AM

    You hit the nail on the head in your last paragraph- The "move heres" come because of our low taxes compared to the northeast. The truth is, that they typically use far more in services dollars than the property taxes that they pay in- look at the property tax rates in the "bedroom communities" in NOVA for an example of what happens when counties allow business and industry to be choked out by residential development. Business and industry as well as agriculture foot the bill for the residential developments.

  5. Anonymous7:48 AM

    While I have no dog in this fight, I have followed it in both papers- A tip of the hat to the news virginian who actually covered it in an unbiased manner, actually visiting a track and talking to residents, as opposed to the N.L., which as usual, just threw out an opinion with no research.

  6. The "N.L." has a base that it has catered to for sometime know and can't afford to lose them.

    Fortunately there is now more than one source of local info available in other papers and a wider community in the internet. Even blogs like this one makes it possible for people to search area topics and get other "Views & Comments" that are not provided in some papers.
