Saturday, February 02, 2008

VA Democratic Party Delegate calling for ... Civil Disobedience


Sounds like the Virginia Democrat Delegates had second thoughts when it came for their votes to be recorded and known to the citizens of Virginia...
The new "VA GOP Caucus" blog has some interesting video and discussion on this matter...

"House Bill 852, sponsored by Democrat Del. Adam Ebbin, would have made it legal for government employees to collectively bargain with labor unions."

"This bill would have destroyed Virginia’s Right to Work law, which House Democrats have been attacking for years. Del. Armstrong and the Democrats know Virginians would not be happy if they knew how committed the Dems are to labor unions. It’s clear that Democrats want the light of open government to shine on Republicans, but when it’s shone on them, they will hide in the shadows."

1 comment:

  1. Just like the National Democrats these guys love to 'Champion" for a cause but shy away from putting their names on a lousy bill...

    Best part is that the internet media, including blogs, makes it possible to get this info out for the people to see it...

    VA is said to be the best State for business and their workers. This done without Unions. How would collective bargaining be better with all the evidence of unions failing in other states?
