Thursday, February 21, 2008

Virginia National Guard’s 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team... Arrives in Staunton...



  1. Welcome home. Good job. Thank you.

  2. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Thank you. I was there welcoming my brother home. It was amazing.

  3. It was a nice event and good to see the amount of people who came out to meet them when they made it home. Thank your brother for me and thank you for your comments...

  4. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Only 7 photos and just 1 post?

    Over at swacgirl she has "78 photos and 17 posts"

    That is all of the "SWAC-ego" you have?


  5. Took numerous shots but edited down to some of the better ones. The rule of thumb that they taught back in college was at least five shots of anyone subject from different angles if possible. One of the 2 year college degress still getting worked on.

    "78 photos and 17 posts" is a different agenda so that may be the reason for that.

    Not sure what you are looking for with that....

  6. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Looks like SWAC-Girl's little friend Alex is getting it good over at one of the better blogs.

    maybe she could post a couple hundred pictures and multiple posts of jr. and his favorite DOG!!!

  7. It is my understanding that battle has been going on for sometime and looks to be pretty much a waste of time.

    There are bigger and better things to talk about on the blogs and those who throw mud tend to get mud on themselves when they do it. The "Dog" has turned out to be a perfect example of wasted effort instead of talking issues but I guess it keeps somebody off the streets at least...

  8. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The DOG is back!!!!!!!

    Just in time to piss all over the incumbent repub candidates like fire hydrants! Remember what they did to Hanger?

  9. Anonymous12:35 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. anonymous 12:35
    has been deleted becuase I will not allow that type of personal attack on another blogger or person commenting on Rightside..

    You need to take that to the other persons blog and confront them with that language and issues.

    The issue of the "DOG" and his appearance on JM's blog is best dealt with on that blog not here.

  11. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I am not anonymous 12:35 but I did read his comments about John Maxfield and he was pretty much right on. The kid is nothing but a joke and a liar. 12:35 just needed to phrase it better.

    I also don't agree often with your blog but you at least allow people to post their comments without moderation or deletion. Unlike Swac-Girl, Maxfield, and "Princess" elle....

  12. Some blogs use "Comment Moderation" to keep foul language or worse from appearing on their blog but unfortunately this places a additional layer of censorship.

    I would rather see people present their comments and good argument without fear of being denied because it goes against the blogs agenda. Some of the blogs you mentioned have their agenda and should be viewed as such...

  13. Anonymous10:33 PM

    You can delete my comments but you can't deny that John Maxfield and his little friends Elle (Anne), Swacgirlie,STD, are the liers I said they are. JM played a lawyer last election. What will be his career this year? P.O.S.

  14. Maybe you should take those complaints to the bloggers you noted. I allow much debate and points of opinion here but if it is about problems of another blogger take it there.

    "JM" did what he did and should be judged by each person as they see fit.

  15. Welcome home VANG! Nice job on the post, sorry I couldn't be there.


    anonymous commenters, who swear everyone else is a liar... now where have I heard that before?

  16. The 116th returned home to an impressive welcoming crowd lining the streets. The top NG guy flew in on a BlackHawk that landed in front of the armory and then bolted once he got off. Congressman Goodlatte did a great job welcoming them home as well as many others who turned out for the event.

    “Anonymous” comment or’s seems to be a coordinated attack from mostly two different people from two different locales North of here. I have considered requiring account holders only but that eliminates the casual visitor who wishes to comment. Better just to “Spank” those who get out of line…

  17. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Will Alex aka John Maxfield be reelected and continue in his own little dreamworld?

    SWAC-JOB jr. himself
