Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Future State of the U.S. Carrier Force?...


The Washington Times has an interesting article by Ed Feulner that describes the present state of the United States Navy aircraft carrier force and what we have to look forward to in the future.

"The rest of the ship is a marvel, too. It's like a floating city, one able to generate a virtually unlimited amount of power from its nuclear engines. It creates enough electricity to light 100,000 homes. It can purify 400,000 gallons of water daily. It carries enough food to feed its crew for three months at sea. In short, a carrier is a critical tool in our military arsenal, an irreplaceable asset that allows our military to project power anywhere, any time."

"During the 1980s, the Navy estimated it would require 15 carriers to keep the high seas secure. Today, though, our carrier force is dwindling. Last year Congress decided the U.S. could maintain only 11 carriers. Now, in another attempt to save money, the Navy says it can probably get by with just 10 carriers for awhile before it finally adds a new ship in 2015. Overall, today's Navy boasts only 280 deployable vessels."

"It's not as if other countries are standing still. China is building submarines at a frantic pace. By 2025, it could have five times as many subs in the Pacific as the U.S. There's no reason for China to become our enemy — but there's also no excuse for Congress to allow our Navy to be so outgunned, just in case the Chinese become aggressive."

"The Constitution gives lawmakers the power of the purse, so it's their responsibility to provide for the common defense. That means maintaining a powerful Navy. Lawmakers should insist the Navy keep 12 carriers in service."


  1. serious discussion went around about dropping three carriers and using the funding for smaller ships capable of interdicting terrorism on a smaller scale...

    Remains to be seen. Heck, I want the BB's back on line. I would be willing to trade carrier for two BB's....

    With cruise missile technology, you can pin point windows, just as our flyboys can, and with less risk to pilots. Send in a carrier to provide recon a supply ship full of cruise missiles, and the bb lobs in cruise missiles all day long...

    just a thought

  2. But the carriers can do so much...
    Back during the Tsunami a few years back the United States sent one of the carriers in the area near shore just to provide clean water that it can produce up to 400,000 gallons a day. I remember back when I was in the Keys The George Washington came near and we had several officers fish with us one day. He told me that it takes 150+ gallons in steam each time they shoot a plane off let alone the water needs for 5,000 people a day.

    The carriers replaced the Battlewagons in WWII as the tactics of war changed and we may be looking at another change coming as you mentioned.

    I watch the History Channel at times and are amazed when I see the new toys our military now have. We need this technology to keep ahead of changing tactics and conditions.

    What we really need is another President who understands the importance of maintaining a advanced, well equipped military... I fear Hillary\Obama are more interested in trying to "Talk" with those looking to kill us and make "Happy-Deals" instead...
