Monday, June 02, 2008

Free Gas for Votes?

Finnegan over at H-burg news has a post about Democratic Candidate Sam Rasoul and his plans to pay a dollar per gallon, up to 10 gallons, at the pumps on June 4th at a Harrisonburg Texaco station… Sam will be doing this for forty minutes, on the 4th, and at 4pm…(?)

There was no listing of this event on Sam’s website but Finnegan has been a reliable news source in the past and says this came from a press release issued by Rasoul’s campaign…

Free Gas at the Pumps for what?
Is it a classic Bill Clinton “I feel your pain” stunt?…
Will it show the people, and potential voter, that Rasoul will do something for the gas consumer if he is elected to Congress?
Will there be more “relief” like this if Rasoul is in fact elected to Congress, as a Democratic Congressman, and part of a party who loves to make the “Evil Oil Companies” out as the enemy?
Or is this just a stunt for buying votes in the form of paying part of your gasoline bill while slapping a Sam Rasoul 2008 sticker on your forehead and a bumper sticker on your car?…

Will Rasoul have some more substantial solutions to the energy situation we are facing or will he and his party find more ways to avoid the problem with media stunts like this?

ConcreteBob has an interesting post about the Chinese drilling for oil just 50 miles south of Florida showing that the Democratic Party continues to stonewall efforts of American companies from delivering our own resources. I find it interesting that the Democratic Party which Sam Rasoul is campaigning for a position with, continues to side with the environmentalist groups who claim imminent disasters if we drill off our own shores. Yet the Democratic representatives and Environmental groups ignore the actions of China which by far is not the most “environmental friendly” in the world. How comfortable are they with China drilling in the Florida straits? How confident are they with the French, who produce 80% of their electric via nuclear, with the disposal of their radioactive waste?

Also, nice choice of Gas station in picking TEXACO…
Chavez kicking in with some more discounted fuel ?…


  1. I think Chavez owns Citgo, not Texaco.

  2. WHoaa!!!
    Big mistake and not sure how I made that one. Logo colors the same? Not sure but thanks for pointing that out...
