Wednesday, August 13, 2008

70% looking for a solution...


"A new survey finds that 70% of Virginians support increased access to domestic oil and natural gas resources."

Energy has the results of a new poll showing that the majority of Virginia VOTERS understand the importance of developing and delivering known American energy reserves to the American energy inventory. Very good site for information...

"This is a critical shift in public opinion, and one that our leaders in Washington need to recognize. According to federal government data, the United States has enough oil to fuel more than 65 million cars for 60 years and enough natural gas to heat 60 million homes for 160 years. But current policies restrict access to 85% of the outer continental shelf and 83% of onshore federal lands."

"About the SurveyThe poll was conducted by telephone between July 10 and July 21, 2008 by Harris Interactive and commissioned by API. The survey of 501 registered Virginia voters who are likely to vote in the upcoming presidential election found 70 percent of those surveyed said they somewhat or strongly support increased access to domestic oil and natural gas resources. Only 20 percent of respondents said they opposed increased access. An overwhelming 99 percent said they are somewhat or very concerned about the price of gasoline. Click here to view the survey methodology."

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