Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sam Rasoul Takes a "Pass"?...

Media reports are coming in that Democratic Candidate Sam Rasoul "chose" not to speak in Lynchburg last week when the Democratic Party Presidential candidate came to HIS district for a campaign appearance(?)...

“I was just happy to be there with all those wonderful people and help spread our message,” he said, adding he felt “sure” he would have been asked to speak had he confirmed his attendance earlier.

Roanoke Valley Republicans have another take on the lack of inclusion at this event in Lynchburg along with a running history of SAM's appearances in the 6th district...
I also find it odd that if the Top guy in the Democratic Party right now comes to your district for a campaign appearance you make sure you are available to appear with him. Also photos are a great tool in campaigning and any photos with the Democratic Party Presidential candidate would be plastered all over your campaign website....
More "???" for SAM...

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