Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Buena Vista Labor Day Parade ~2008~


"It you're a candidate and you're not in Buena Vista on Labor Day, you won't win the election."

Yesterday was the Labor Day Parade in Buena Vista and I had the opportunity to walk with and promote numerouse strong Conservative Republican candidates of Virginia. I was also fortunate to work with and spend time with many fine Republican volunteers from Rockbridge and Augusta County and from the candidates campaigns...
Entrance into Buena Vista found numerous campaign sign locations leading into the town. The above signs are located across from the Bontex operation and this photo was taken the prior day. Unfortunately due to schedule I was unable to stop and take photos of the many smaller signs placed by all of the campaigns...
Bob McDonnell Campaign for Governor 2009...

The Candidates and the campaigns were also well represented in the parade itself with the use of banners and floats prepared and staffed by volunteers with help from the campaigns...

And then there was the Jim Gilmore "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" float designed and constructed by several strong Conservative Republicans from Augusta and Rockbridge counties. Conservative Republican blogger Chris Green of "Spank that Donkey" and the author of this blog constructed this float with the help of Buena Vista businessman and owner of Sayre Enterprises Scott Sayre who designed and provide the "Drill Here, Drill Now" banners...
Scott Sayre with wife Mary and Augusta County Gilmore volunteer Kim Wiseman...

Scott Winfield of Augusta County
Governor Jim Gilmore who is campaigning for Virginia Senator worked the parade route and was greeted by many Virginia citizens along the way...
Congressman Bob Goodlatte and his wife Mary Ellen has worked this parade route many times over the years and has stated that this is one of his favorite parades to attend and participate...
Virginia State Senator Ken Cuccinelli from the 37th district works the parade route with Governor Gilmore. Cuccinelli is also campaigning for the Virginia Attorney General position in 2009...
Virginia Delegate Ben Cline is also a Republican favorite in Buena Vista which he represents in Richmond...
Augusta County Republican Committee Chairman Bill Shirley worked the parade route and distributed a very impressive "Election Guide" developed and produced by the new committee...
General George Washington with members of the Virginia Defense Force...
Ben and Elizabeth Cline
Portable drilling rig
Republican supporters gathered at the end of the parade route at the park location to hear "Political Speeches" by the candidates...

Governor Jim Gilmore delivered the first speech of the day at which point he provided numerous reasons why we need strong conservative leadership in the Senate.

Gilmore continued to emphasize energy policy, particularly his support for oil drilling offshore and in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He walked the parade route alongside a makeshift "oil rig" on a float and signs that read, "Drill Here, Drill Now, Vote Gilmore" and "ANWR or bust!"

Roanoke Times

I was disapointed to find that none of the newspapers reporting on this event provided the quote where Governor Gilmore advised those in attendance that then Democratic Governor Mark Warner chose to veto a bill allowing drilling for known American Oil reserves off the coast of Virginia...

The local media did elect to provide a quote from Warner

"Warner called for a comprehensive energy policy that would allow offshore oil drilling while also boosting investments in developing alternative sources. He favors the elimination of Bush tax cuts that only benefit the wealthy, his campaign said."

"Warner said the top issue is the economy, and said a stronger economy will also help with national security. “We have to keep the country protected, and one of the ways is with a strong economy,” he said."

The NewsVirginian

My disapointment here is that the reporter did not question Warner on how he would provide a "Stronger Economy" with his history of tax increases while Governor of Virginia...

Congressman Bob Goodlatte rallied the crowd to the Republican efforts on the floor of Congress to debate a comprehensive energy plan that includes drilling for known American oil reserves in ANWR and off the coast of Virginia...

The Republican members of the house continue to keep the issue alive on the floor of Congress while the Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the House "Democrats" remain on their FIVE WEEK vacation...

Numerous media interviews after the event...

Had a great time and thanks to all of those who helped and participated in supporting our Republican Candidates...


  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    There were several times where Gilmore brought up the fact that Mark Warner vetoed a bill to allow drilling off VA back in 2005 when he was governor. The media never mentions that in their coverage and only says Warner is wanting comprehensive energy plan that includes drilling.

    Where were the questions about his veto in 2005?

  2. Where are they to ask Warner if Tim Kaine has driven Virginia into a financial ditch?

    The media is so utterly biased it's pathetic.

  3. No doubt...
    Look at the questions they fail to Ask SAM about why 90% of his campaign contributions come from out of the 6th district and the state.
