Thursday, September 04, 2008

"SAM's" Funding...

The local media covered SAM's campaign stop on the steps of the Augusta County Government center and did well to highlight the candidates speech but failed to ask the hard questions that are needed of SAM...

Rasoul is correct when he says balancing the budget is a matter of “national security” but is it not the Congress that is responsible for spending and that Congress has been led by the Democratic Party? Many from the “Leftside” have continued to bring up the amounts spent on the war on terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan citing this as a result of out of control spending when in fact this and military spending is a small fraction of the federal budget. The responsibility of the federal budget is national security, secured borders, infrastructure, and the likes. Instead our budget has grown into a massive funding project for thousands of projects and programs that should instead be funded states, private funds, and user fees. Rasoul’s own statement of maybe through a grant process, where we have funding appropriated to museums, to theaters, to flood reduction projects, but we do it in a responsible way.” puts museums and theaters before flood reduction?

Rasoul also stated that he would not accept campaign contributions from lobbyists or PACs so he could “look into the eyes of the members of the 6th District and America and say I am representing you as an individual”. He also said “nor will I allow anyone’s national agenda to be barked down to us right here in the 6th District.” But in looking at where Rasoul’s campaign contributions are coming from we find that a high percentage, in the area of 80-90% of this money is coming from outside of the 6th district and Virginia. Why are these “outside” sources funding Rasoul and what are they looking for in return? It is admirable to say that you are not taking direct support from PAC’s or the likes but the Democratic Party Candidates have proven numerous times in the past that campaign funding can come in many different forms. Remember the numerous instances of campaign funds being “bundled” from questionable sources? Remember the minimum wage dishwashers who made maximum contributions to Hillary during her campaign? Remember “Charlie” from China who delivered millions to Hillary’s husband and Al Gore during their campaigns?…


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    If you want a good breakdown of the numbers, you should check out and

    Whoever this person is, they do a great job of showing the dichotomy of where the money is coming from! Great stuff!

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Uh, there is no blog there.

  3. The link seems to work here. Try pasting this link in and see if it works:
