Saturday, November 22, 2008

Practice that 2nd Amendment Right...


Today was the day to spend some time with friends at the shooting range and hone shooting skills. The range was busy and numerous weapons could be seen, tested, and discussed along with the discussion turning to current events and the new administration. Conversation soon turned to a local news story in the NewsLeader that described the increase in gun\ammo sales just before and since the election of President-elect Obama...

Gun\ammo sales have increased across the United States. With the increased demand a rise in price and value will be sure to follow. (It's the result of supply and demand, something that people in Washington politics still have a problem grasping). In fact it was reported in the story: "Andy Coffman, owner of the Gun Shack on Laurel Hill Road in Verona, said his sales started to boom about a month before the presidential election, and said he's already been warned by distributors that prices for assault rifles will probably increase 30 percent to 50 percent when orders are placed. Customers, he said, point to Obama as the reason for their gun purchases".

Be sure to note the comments at 3:00 minutes into the video for the description of numerous Obama supporters flocking to gun stores to purchase weapons they feel Obama will outlaw...

Charles Spence, Thinks Obama Is Anti-Gun - "I really live by the philosophy that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. And the only thing that stops criminals from coming in my house tonight, is he doesn't know what awaits him on the other side."

During the lead up to the Presidential election my Virginia Senator, Jim Webb, appeared on numerous radio campaign ads advising me that he, along with Obama, are supporters of the 2nd amendment and Obama would not do anything to take my gun(s) away...

Should I now believe my Virginia Senator?...


  1. Now that's one area of the economy that Barrack Hussein Obama can take credit for...

    But just like reinstating the Presidential mortatorium on drilling for oil, shrinking supply and raising prices...

    will he seek to restrict the amount of guns and ammo that can be produced annually?

  2. Anonymous8:01 AM

    At a recent gun show in the richmond area there was not a single piece of ammo, magazines, or ay type of AR-15 style weapons left after the first day. I was tying to get a few more magazines for my AK-47 but they too were gone......

    The price for 7.62x39 ammo has more than doubled also. (AK-47 ammo)

    I would agree that Obamanism is stimulating this portion of the economy; and causing micro-inflation on all the things he plans to restrict, ban, or regulate.


  3. It all comes down to what the one gunowner said in the above post.

    "I really live by the philosophy that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"...

    Until the government can prove to me that they have removed guns from ALL criminals and there is no threat from them then we can talk gun control.

    As we all know the government will never be able to do that and the government should not be allowed to keep the honest, law abiding citizen from protecting himself, his family, and Yes, the idiot Gun-control liberal also standing in line when some loser pulls out his illegal gun and starts shooting up the school, McDonalds, Church, or where ever the criminal knows guns are not allowed...

  4. Located the following info and link about the survey that Obama denied in the above You-Tube video....

    FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban
    Obama was being misleading when he denied that his handwriting had been on a document endorsing a state ban on the sale and possession of handguns in Illinois. Obama responded, "No, my writing wasn't on that particular questionnaire. As I said, I have never favored an all-out ban on handguns."

    Actually, Obama's writing was on the 1996 document, which was filed when Obama was running for the Illinois state Senate. A Chicago nonprofit, Independent Voters of Illinois, had this question, and Obama took hard line:

    35. Do you support state legislation to:
    a. ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns? Yes.
    b. ban assault weapons? Yes.
    c. mandatory waiting periods and background checks? Yes.

    Obama's campaign said, "Sen. Obama didn't fill out these state Senate questionnaires--a staffer did--and there are several answers that didn't reflect his views then or now. He may have jotted some notes on the front page of the questionnaire, but some answers didn't reflect his views."

    Source: analysis of 2008 Philadelphia primary debate Apr 16, 2008
