Monday, November 24, 2008

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste"?...


"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste"...

"What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before"...

President-elect Obama's Chief of staff Rahm Emanuel made this statement in the above video clip and went on to describe the "opportunity" to make things right as he sees it...

He went on to describe several "opportunities" that it seems both he and his Obama are planning to implement plans to correct as they see fit. It almost seems that they are happy to see these "opportunities" as being in crisis to provide more lattitude in their proposed actions...

It will be interesting to see what the Obama team does with these "Crisis" situations and what kind of lattitude they take...

Saturday Night Live has even done a sketch about Emanuel and his statements but it is listed as "Unaired" by the site Breitbart but they have it here...


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Notice at 2 minutes into the first video that he mentions plans to deal with "Tax Fairness".

    Boy, does that mean Obama will let us know exactly how much money that the government should take from each person? Will he say what is "fair" when one person works much harder to advance himself and what is "fair" to take away and give to the person who sits on his ass and does nothing?
    I look forward to hearing that

  2. Anonymous9:33 PM

    барак обама - Да мы можем!

    Spending your way out of a bankrupt/spending problem. real smart. real smart. Do people realize that the US government is spending money that unborn people will have to slave to pay off? NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION! Remember that? How are the people who cant even vote yet being represented when the legislature and government is putting them DEEP into debt? Answer that, pseudo-boffins!

    This is the most disgusting start of a "populist" I have ever seen.

  3. Thanks for this bllog post
