Monday, December 29, 2008

Timeline of Call for Regulation of Fannie & Freddie...

This video clip from a FoxNews report in 2008 outlines the Timeline of calls for Regulation of the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae "Mortgage Giants" and by whom... Interesting and thanks to the friend who forwarded it...

2001: President George Bush identifies the problem and brings it to the attention of Congress...

2003: The White house and John Snow push for a agency to regulate these agencies...

Democrat Barney Frank states that they are not in crisis and that we should encourage "Freddie & Fannie"...

2005: Alan Greenspan "We are placing the total financial system of the future at a substantial risk"...

Republican Senator John McCain introduces legislation for regulation but this bill was voted down along Senate party lines with all Democratic Party Senators voting against the bill... Then Democratic Party Senator Obama did not "Weigh In" on that vote...

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