Friday, January 30, 2009

Tim Kaine is looking out for us?...

Just last week I asked the question "Who is Democratic Virginia Governor Tim Kaine really working for?" in this post...
Now that Democratic Party Governor Tim Kaine has also taken the position of the Democratic National Committee Chairman while also maintaining his position as our Virginia State Governor, this example begs the question "Is Tim Kaine looking out for us?"...
Black Velvet Bruce Li has a interesting post over his site providing info on how the state of Virginia spent over $500,000 to provide bus rides for over 75,000 people to the Obama inaugeration last week...

"About 75,000 people rode buses at state expense. Kaine said Virginia is seeking reimbursement from the federal government. Obama considered Kaine as his vice presidential running mate and later appointed him head of the Democratic National Committee"...
Our elected representatives are now in Richmond this week working on the "short session" to prioritize Virginia Governor Tim Kaine's budget during this "economic crisis"...
Meanwhile Democratic Governor Tim Kaine is providing free bus rides to the inaugeration of his buddy Obama who considered him for the V.P. position awhile back....
"Who is Tim Kaine looking out for?"....


  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    If Kaine runs the DNC like he as run Virginia, the DNC will be in severe financial trouble if not on the verge of bankruptcy come the next election.

  2. But like Obama and the national budget both Kaine and Obama will get a pass and the blame will be placed on the Bush administration. It has already begun and many from the LEFT blame it on greed but yet will not acknowledge that many loans\mortgages went to people who could not afford them. Check the Fannie Mae \ Freddie Mac support from Democrats such as Rangle, Reid, Pelosi, and the gang...
