Friday, January 09, 2009

Who will Kaine be working for?...


Who will Virginia Governor Tim Kaine be working for when the Virginia delegation goes into session next in Richmond?...

Will it be for the citizens and taxpayers of Virginia?...

Will it be for the children attending Virginia schools?...

Will it be for the drivers of vehicles going up and down Virginia roads?...

Will it be for workers and taxpayers who are employed in Virginia?...

Will it be for the Sportsman of Virginia who pay user fees to be able to fish and hunt in Virginia only to see the revenue from those fees moved into the general fund and other "projects" as Democratic Governor Marke Warner did when he was in office?...

Will it be for the Virginia citizen who pays his "Fair Share" of taxes already only to see that tax revenue spent on wasteful and unwarrented programs?...

Will it be for the Western Virginia citizen and worker in the coal fields?...

Will it be for the Virginia citizen from the Valley?...

Will it be for the Virginia citizen and taxpayer from Rural Virginia?...

Or will it be for the Virginia Voter who lives in the backyard of Washington D.C. and part the Federal government payroll?...

With one full year of his term as the Virginia Governor Tim Kaine has now taken the position of the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee as described here in a Washington Times article...

Who will Tim Kaine be working for next week when in session with the Virginia delegations?...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Who do you think!
    Change is here and time for Kaine to slime, I mean shine.
