Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Americans for Prosperity "Rally at the Bell Tower"....


Had the opportunity to attend the "No Stimulus" rally at the belltower in Richmond hosted by "Americans for Prosperity" Virginia chapter yesterday. Good turnout and it was good to see many well known Conservatives gathering to protest the outrageous Stimulus package that Congress is pushing...

"As you’ve probably seen, President Obama has hit the road with a series of campaign-style events to push the Pelosi-Reid-Obama debt and spending bill. Taxpayers like you and me need to fire back not just in Washington, DC, but all over the nation with big crowds who will stand up and say NO to this trillion-dollar scam!"...

Ben Marchi of the Virginia chapter of Americans for Prosperity...

Waynesboro GOP Chairman Chris Darden, Gov. Allen, John Darden

After the Rally at the Belltower many went on to sit in and observe both the House and Senate in session which provided some interesting material for another post in the future. The day concluded with the "Defending the American Dream" dinner hosted by the Americans for Prosperity ~Virginia Chapter~ with guest of honor Governor George Allen...

Many people that I spoke with after the dinner commented on how Governor George Allen was back to his “self” which made him the most productive and popular Governor of Virginia… I had seen Allen speak numerous times in the past and I also noted a new sense and purpose in his speech and presentation. The crowd responded to this enthusiasm and it continued with other speakers including outstanding closing remarks by AFP Virginia Chairman Paul Harris…

Chris Darden, Carl Tate, and John Darden...


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    The Bill has passed. We get a payroll tax starting in June of $13 a week. That's about $1.87 a day, now there's CHANGE!!!! My only HOPE is I still have a job in June!

  2. "Officials estimated it would mean about $13 a week more in people's paychecks when withholding tables are adjusted in late spring. Critics say that's unlikely to do much to boost consumption."

    Looks like Obama has delivered enough to buy a cup of coffee a day for each of us!!! Unless of course you drink that Starbucks Status coffee which is about $5 bucks a cup. Pelosi will have to step in and help "Her" people with that...

    Funny but Obama has delivered a Payroll Tax-cut even if it only is a token amount and will do little, but where is the outrage from the AARP? Remember back when President Bush was trying to allow us to direct 2% of our payroll tax into "Private" accounts that would grow much more over time then the minute amt Social Security now delivers? AARP had all the old people outraged claiming their benefits would not be supported if this was done. Where is the outrage now that Obama has actually cut the amt of payroll taxes?...
