Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is Jeff Frederick being "Railroaded"?...


The State Central Committee will soon be voting to either support or oust the Chairman of the Virginia Republican Party at their next meeting on April 4th, 2009. There has been much text on the effort by many State Central members to remove the chairman in the mainstream media (MSM) as well as the local Virginia blogworld….

Now anyone who has kept up with the MSM and their reporting both locally and nationwide it is wise to take these “media reports” with a grain of salt, O.K. make that a shovel full of salt. There are also many opinions being presented on the blogs and after debating\discussing known facts about the issue it is surprising the lack of, or one sided aspect of many of the “facts” out there. This is even more evident if you talk to somebody about this issue and they have only received their info\facts from the mainstream media reports…

Many of the local blogs who were very “Grassroots” oriented and supported Jeff Frederick in the past have fallen silent on this issue. In fact there is no traffic or conversation at all on this issue and that is surprising for people who claim they look for a party built up from below instead of from the Top - Down…

Mason Conservative has a interesting post on this issue and his support in a manner that is familiar to many of us. “I'm one of those people who finds time to attend events, knock on doors (though not as much as others), has been in unit committees, and is an active YR. Hell, the last two years I've rented pick-up trucks for the 4th of July parade to adorn with candidate campaign sign, I try and do the small things to help my party and all its candidates win.” He then goes into how many from the “old-time establishment” are looking to return the party and leadership to the way it was.

From what I have read and facts obtained from conversations it appears that Frederick attempted to keep this issue in-house but those efforts were foiled once members of the State Central leaked or planted tidbits into the MSM or select blogs. A tactic often used by our Federal Govt. friends in D.C. and good reason why that piece of land is often associated with the word “Swamp”… Now many members of the State Central Committee, including my local representative who all will be voting on April 4th on this issue, have fallen silent on this issue. With that there are numerous citizens, Republican voters, activists, and local committee members looking for answers and facts regarding this issue and effort before the State Central members cast their votes on April 4th…

I have contacted my State Central representative Lynn Mitchell, 6th District State Central representative, several times but have not gotten a confirmed Yes or No as to if she will address our local Republican committee on this issue before her vote on April 4th. I urge everyone concerned that this effort to remove the chairman from his position may be a “Railroading” to contact their State Central representative at the State Central Committee Roster


  1. Just so you know, Lynn Mitchell did sign the letter calling for Jeff's removal. If you can get her to flip, rock on. Good luck and thanks for all you are doing.

  2. I find thyat interesting for she claimed to be a big "Grassroots" person in the past and was very supportive of Frederick on her SwacGirl blog when it was more fashionable. It seems there is a new motive to support the ouster of Frederick to save her precious State Central position which is nothing but a slap to the face of the actual "Grassroots" people that she represents in the 6th district.

    Will the actual vote on the 4th be reported and who voted for what?

  3. Look at the motive.
    Why after being the big flag waver for the local gop party and the grasspeople why would she be voting to git rid of the grasspeople leader? To save her ass that was about to git thrown off of state central in the first place! The 6th district voted 18-3 to censor her and sent letter to git her out of state central for how she screwed up the local gop party at every chance once the mighty kurt michael was de-throned!
    loook for the motives

  4. Again, barring the meeting on the 4th and other so called meetings, Jeff Frederick deserves to have his say in front of the Convention where the rank and file can hear from both sides. Unless this happens, in my opinion, it IS a railroading and I will not participate.

  5. GOP Rock (The First One)8:38 PM

    The third comment above, GOP Rock is not from me. I starting using GOP Rock several years ago. It's pathetic when you have to use the name of someone express your negative comments. You above, either use your own name or do not comment on here.

    The originial "GOP Rock"

  6. Charlie,

    I agree and by turning up the lights at the convention will make several scurry to save themselves. If Frederick has done something so terrible expose it and lets deal with it. Just like in Washington when a Republican does wrong or unethical things it is the GOP party that calls on their own to leave or remove them. Compare that to the likes of the other "Party" who have members with $$$Thousands$$$ of bribe money in their freezers, members who got sweetheart loans from companies they now attack, members who disregard paying the income taxes that you and I pay and get away without fines or penalties...

    State Central must allow the "True Grassroots" to hear the charges and allow Frederick to defend himself. The State Central Representatives should also be responding to requests from the local committees and Republican citizens who have been requesting info on this subject for weeks. I have attempted to get our local State Central Rep Lynn Mitchell, 6th district, to make herself available to our committee numerous times but she continues to refuse. Instead will she cast her vote without direction of feeling from the people she represents???

    GOP Rockers,
    Many people in the past have always said that people should identify themselves to give crediability to their posts or comments. I myself first came out with RightsideVA to show my political stance and thought it was a good "Name". Then I learned the value of being identified and responsible for my comments or posts. I urge both "GOPRock"ers to identify themselves to provide more crediability to your comments... "It don't Hurt that Bad"!...

  7. Funny but when you click on my "GopRock" it takes you to a real website with a real photo and "YES" more to come. Rightsideva thanks for the advice but if I was to idntify myself now I would have some guy claiming first Gop Rock looking for me!
    You know me anyway for we have spoken several times at polling places and even at the Troop support rallies in Staunton looking at it from different sides but I do appreciate your view.

    Forget trying to get SwacGirl Lynn Mitchell talking to grassroots for she is in it for only one person and keeping her spot in the hierarchy of SS. There is talk of a deal being cut to keep her on the SSC "if" she votes the correct way regarding Frederick..

  8. GOP Rock,

    Clifford is that you?
    I recall our "Debates" at the Troop support rallies but which polling place?

    There are too many people hiding behind names that need to come out to lend more credibility to what they say. I know of a "Dog" and I suspect the same coming from the other "GopRocK"...

    As far as getting our State Central rep to actually address the committee and people she "Represents" this may be a defining moment...

  9. We are all free to attend the meeting on the 4th and see the evidence. I dont think they can hold a closed meeting. There may be a fire marshall attendance issue.
    Correct me if I am wrong.

  10. ever think of that12:03 AM

    Maybe those on State central who are not talking is because they are the ones who have been plotting against Jfred all along?
