Monday, March 09, 2009

Obama: "Quick!, send a Intern to the White House Gift Shop"!!!...

The Prime Minister Gordon Brown visits the new President of the United States and showers him with thoughtful gifts... President Obama returns the favor with a box set of DVD's?...

"Because all he got was a set of DVDs. Barack Obama, the leader of the world's richest country, gave the Prime Minister a box set of 25 classic American films - a gift about as exciting as a pair of socks."

"The Prime Minister gave Mr Obama an ornamental pen holder made from the timbers of the Victorian anti-slave ship HMS Gannet.
The unique present delighted Mr Obama because oak from the Gannet's sister ship, HMS Resolute, was carved to make a desk that has sat in the Oval Office in the White House since 1880."

As reported in the Daily Mail, yeah, they noticed...

Available now at E-bay for only $19.99 ...

"In addition, Mr Brown and his wife showered gifts on the Obama children giving Sasha and Malia an outfit each from Topshop and six children's books by British authors which are shortly to be published in America."
"In return, the Obamas gave the Browns two models of the presidential helicopter, Marine One, to take home to sons Fraser and John."

"But following Mr Brown's his recent troubles - the UK entering recession, soaring job losses and home repossessions, Labour struggling in the polls and threats of leadership challenges - he may be pleased at being able to settle down for a quiet night in front of the ultimate feel-good movie: It's A Wonderful Life."


  1. Anonymous7:35 PM

    US taxpayers are tired of gifts that are not useful or desired. "gold plated elephants with diamond encrusted tusks". Congrats to a man who has other priorities.!

  2. Heck, at least he could have sent the Prime Minister on his way with bag full of earmarks or something. The Big "O" just signed a bill with close to 9,000 earmarks in it after promising to cut earmarks in half?...

  3. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Hope the Messiah gave Brown a DVD player to watch them on, because here in the UK we have a different format for DVD's.

  4. Do you think the Obama White House staff thinks that far ahead after giving a present like this?
