Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Raines: $24.7 Million in fines but "this is an agreement to disagree"...

A little background info on those who claimed "Everythings fine" over at Fannie Mae and Freddie-Mac...

Watch the video then read what was reported by the Seattle Times...

WASHINGTON — "Former Fannie Mae chief Franklin Raines and two other top executives have agreed to a $31.4 million settlement with the government announced today over their roles in a 2004 accounting scandal."

"Raines, a Seattle native and prominent Washington figure who was President Clinton's budget director, is relinquishing company stock options, proceeds from stock sales and other benefits. His part of the settlement is worth $24.7 million"

Raines' total compensation from 1998 through 2004 was $91.1 million, including some $52.6 million in bonuses, according to OFHEO

"Fannie Mae paid a record $400 million civil fine in a settlement with OFHEO and the Securities and Exchange Commission. It also agreed to make top-to-bottom changes in its corporate culture, accounting procedures and ways of managing risk."

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