Saturday, April 04, 2009

Jeff Frederick ousted... Did the "Grass~roots" just get rolled over?...


The blogs are full with posts about today’s ouster of State Central Committee Chairman Jeff Frederick by the needed(?) votes required of the SCC executive committee members by party plan…

This issue has been a hot topic of the blogs, local, state, and national media for sometime and it is also interesting how this issue has been avoided by several bloggers and\or representatives of the Virginia Republican party…

There are numerous other blogs out there that have already and continue to report on the actual removal vote and the ongoing reports coming out of this SCC executive meeting. I find no reason to repeat the same info that appears in many of these other blogs for they are readily available to all of us for our own reading and dissection. Instead I believe it will be more beneficial to write about the local reaction to this coordinated ouster of our party chairman and those from Augusta County involved in and against this process…

Spank That Donkey has an interesting take on this issue and has been blogging about it for sometime leading up to today’s ouster. Spanky brings up the “Rumor” that our Augusta County 6th District State Central Representative, Lynn Mitchell, was in danger of losing her precious State Central Committee position if she did not support the removal of Frederick with her SCC vote. Several reports have been circulated for sometime that the 6th District committee had recently voted by a 18-3 vote count to censor Mitchell for her divisive actions within the local party and other serious infractions within the 6th district. It was also reported within the local GOP family that the 6th district sent a letter to State Central Committee requesting the removal of Mitchell from SCC. Now it appears that Mitchell possessed a very sought after vote in the ouster plan to remove Frederick from office and a apparent “Deal” may have been made to avoid her removal from SCC. Jeff Frederick was removed from the Chairman’s position by “One” vote…

As Spank That Donkey and other bloggers have pointed out, this is very surprising for Ms. Mitchell, Aka SwacGirl, had been a strong supporter of Jeff Frederick and his ability to bring the “Grass~Roots” to the party table and include them in this process. In fact if you check SWACGIRL you will find that she had over 18 blog posts about\supporting Frederick. Go quickly for we may not know how long they will be there…

The sad part about this whole issue is that many within the true grass~roots community had been asking for more info on this issue for sometime now. I personally made repeated requests (5) of Ms Mitchell to come before the Augusta County Republican Committee, which she is a executive committee member, to present information and facts to the ACRC members regarding Frederick. Ms. Mitchell refused to come before the committee and failed to reply to other requests to do the same by other members and surrounding area committee Chairman. Did the Grass~Roots community just get “Rolled-Over”?…

I have also been told that just before the SCC executive committee went into their closed door session (by their choosing) to vote on the removal of Frederick, a person not eligible to attend the closed door session, stood and said to the SCC executive members “So you want to vote to remove the Chairman but don’t want to do it for all to see”?

Are the “Grass~Roots” to rollover and just become “Mushrooms”?…
You know the description for Mushrooms don’t you?…


  1. Anne Taetzsch2:39 AM

    We are so disappointed. It is clearly apparent that the politicians wish to use us, but don't give a darn about our opinions. Thank you for your post.

  2. What will the "Rally" cry be coming from Richmond next week?

    What will be the call for everybody to "Unite" behind the candidates to elect strong republicans in November?

  3. Anonymous3:45 PM

    What do you think of Frederick's latest actions in violation of his own pledge and party policy to use RPV resources to help his wife - who has not won her primary campaign - with in-kind contributions?

  4. Was that one of the charges?
    Was there more then that which was reported by the press?

    Is that the most severe charge against Frederick?
    Was there more detail and info to this and other charges made against Frederick?

    See the problem is we do not know for the State Central executive committee decided to keep this info from the people who actually put Frederick where he was and the reason VA-GOP actually exists.

    Instead we have SCC execs deciding they know what is best and did not allow the Grassroot supporters to hear the actual facts. In fact one supporter stood and asked the exec committee why they would not vote in front of the people they claim to represent.

    Numerous times we asked or SCC representative Lynn Mitchell to appear infront of those she claims to represent about this matter and she refused. Spank that Donkey and now others are starting to ask if a deal was made so to keep her spot on State Central. What do you think?

    As far as helping another Conservative Republican that happens to be his wife to the Delegate office by using VA-GOP for what it is meant for?
    You tell me...

    If there is more info behind this accusation please let us know for SCC has decided we dont really need to know all of the facts...

  5. CitizenKnow11:56 AM

    I think Lynn means well but she's not a deep thinker by any means. She allowed herself to get sucked into the Augusta assessment issue by the tag team of Pyles/Chester and we all saw how fast Pyles throw them under the bus once there was no "juice" left in it for his own political gain.

  6. The assessment issue was one if the BOS did not lower the taxrate to reflect the conditions. Lets face it, the law says you re-asess every four years and in the past 6 months the mrkt has dropped and adjustments were needed. Some were way off and needed help but yes over the last 4 years property value did go up to benefit many. I wonder how the part time real estate salesmen look at it when they sell a house or help buy one for a client? Just like dealing with a used car salesmen...

    Lynn does mean well but she hitched her wagon to a train going down the wrong track. She should have made herself available to the Committee before she cast her vote against Frederick if she truly was a representative of the 6th district. There is much more behind this story but throwing mud does not help the party. Looking the other way is just as bad, GOP must make strong stances to regain the faith of the party and grassroots...
