Friday, May 01, 2009

1,700 gallons of water to 1 gallon of ethanol...


Interesting facts coming out about ethanol article that appeared in the Investors Business Daily.
"Ethanol yields about 30% energy per gallon of gasoline" and that is why your mpg is down...
"It takes about 1,700 gallons of water to produce one gallon of ethanol"...
"Each acre of corn requires about 130 pounds of Nitrogen and 55 pounds of Phosphorous"...


  1. Anonymous4:01 PM

    It's a form of cold fusion, where water is turned into energy. :)

  2. But,....its GREEEEEENNN!

    Its going to save the world!

    Now, just wait, the environutjobs are going to demand ORGANIC corn for the ethanol.

    What a waste. All that corn liquor being ruined and burned in an engine.

    For nothing.

    Intentions are everything. Results, not so much....

    Great post.

  3. No kidding...
    I, like many Conservatives out there support "alternative" forms of energy but let's be smart about it...

    Ethanol could be a additive down the road but now the corn and fuel\effort it takes to mkake could be spent wiser elsewhere...

    We need to develope the energy sources we have offshore of Virginia in oil and Nat-gas to strengthen our economy and thus afford to develop alternative energies the wise way. McDonnell and Bolling understand this..

    More on energy issues and Al Gore with his magical global warming to come....

  4. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Lets see, It depletes 1700 gallons of fresh water from an area to make 1 gallon. That can be renewable, i mean after all it does rain? Doesnt it.

    It takes Nitrogen fertilizer to grow corn, which is made from Natural Gas, which is not a renewable source of energy. There is just lots of it. (In areas the government has off limits to exploration)

    Phosphorous is mined if iam not mistaken. Mines dont produce forever. Isnt Mining considered detrimental to the environment by the enviro nut jobs?

    So in a nutshell, the clean, green energy needs fossil fuels to be produced.
    I think some folks are putting the cart before the horse without thinkin this stuff through,
