Wednesday, June 03, 2009

"Banned from taking a weapon to a polling place?"...

Take a minute and half to watch the above video of three individuals claiming to be "security" at a polling place in Philadelphia during the last presidential election. All three of these individuals were charged with VOTER INTIMIDATION by career Dept of Justice workers but those charges have now been dropped by the new political wing of the Dept headed by Attorney General Eric Holder who was appointed by Obama...

IBD reports that the charges were dropped and the individual with the nightstick in the above video cant bring his weapons to the polling places anymore!!!

"Two had their lawsuit dismissed with no penalty imposed, while the third man was banned from taking a weapon to a polling place in the future. Records indicate that the three men had refused to appear in court."


  1. Personally, I think the reason the case was dropped was that an investigation would have linked those guys to some "community organizer" group affiliated with ACORN. That, in turn, would have created some noise for Barry Vladimir Hussein Soetero Obama since he used to work for ACORN and his campaign hired at least one ACORN-affiliated group to run voter-registration drives. Just a hunch.

  2. Good hunch...
    I made the mistake last election when I was working the Draft polling place and walked into the polling place with a Lapel GOP sticker on and was chased down by the head poll worker...

    And since when have weapons been allowed at polling places???
