Wednesday, June 10, 2009

You only "Think" you own that mailbox...


You may have paid for it. You probably have your name on it. It's on your property. You have to maintain it. And you have to replace it when it fails but don't get to posessive for the Government controls what can and can not go into it...
It has been this way for a long time and I am sure it will continue but here is another example of what government can and will do to your property and the property of sucessful business...
The WashingtonTimes has a great piece on how the Federal government led by the trusty Democrats plans to "hamstring" FedEx who has been a very sucessful business in developing the overnight business. With that the efforts of the "Democrat" Representative James Oberstar from Minnesota would favor the heavy Union and Teamsters of the UPS corporation, who have been a strong contributyor to the Democratic Party... Great Read...
And why do we continue to dump Billions into the failing United Postal service when there are private companies that can do a better job? And why are there price controls keeping private companies from competeing with the United Postal Service?...

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