Thursday, July 30, 2009

Maybe Obama needs to have a beer with these guys?...

The Washington Times has an informative article today regarding how the Obama Justice department dropped all charges against the three New Black Panther members who were video taped intimidating voters in Philadelphia during the last presidential election...


Turns out the No. 3 official in the Obama Justice department, Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli, made ultimately approved the decision to drop the charges against the guys in the above video...
"Mr. Perrelli, a prominent private practice attorney, served previously as a counsel to Attorney General Janet Reno in the Clinton administration and was an Obama supporter who raised more than $500,000 for the Democrat candidate in the 2008 elections. He authorized a delay to give department officials more time to decide what to do, said officials familiar with the case but not authorized to discuss it publicly. He eventually approved the decision to drop charges against three of the four defendants, they said."
Remember this from the campaign?
"While the Obama administration has vowed a new era of openness, department officials have refused to answer questions from Republican members of Congress on why the case was dismissed, claiming the information was "privileged," according to congressional correspondence with the department."
"If showing a weapon, making threatening statements and wearing paramilitary uniforms in front of polling station doors does not constitute voter intimidation, at what threshold of activity would these laws be enforceable?" Mr. Wolf asked.
Here comes an interesting part...
What happens after Nov. 15th, 2015?
"The injunction prohibits Mr. Samir Shabazz from brandishing a weapon outside a polling place through Nov. 15, 2012, and Ms. Schmaler said the department "will fully enforce the terms of that injunction."
"Stephen R. Morse, a blogger hired by Republicans to be at the polls and who videotaped the confrontation, said the NBPP members blatantly used racial insults on would-be voters and other poll watchers, telling one man, "Cracker, you about to be ruled by a black man."
Anybody want to sit in on that "Beer" in the Rose Garden?...

1 comment:

  1. Are those like highly pigmented versions of the KKK?

    Just asking?
