Sunday, August 23, 2009

Webb \ Warner coming to Augusta County?...

I read that local blogger David K. of Augusta Conservative has invited both of our Democratic Senators to a healthcare forum that he has set up at a local high school...
With that he intends to ask these Senators questions regarding how they stand on the everchanging healthcare package that is coming out of the Obama administration...
I have to say I admire David K. of his actions and I hope they are of good and beneficial intentions, but after listening to and seeing Jim Webb for the last two years do you really think this guy wants to listen to what the people have to say or answer their questions?...


  1. Webb listen to a constituent? Not a chance. This man oozes arrogance. Remember, he was elected because of one word: "macaca." Hopefully, we can make this clown a one-termer.

  2. I read about that in the News Leader, and was left wondering, on whose behalf is Mr. Karaffa making this invitation? Does he hold some position in an organization that I'm not aware of? If not, why on Earth would anyone expect either Webb or Warner to show up for such a forum? Obviously they are both reluctant to make such a public appearance, in light of what has happened across the nation recently, so the whole idea just doesn't make sense to me.

  3. Anonymous1:39 AM

    After you Repubs tried to eat one of your own back in 2007. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not going to happen again, this time with Karraffa being the new "Dog". I think this is just the start of Part 2. Can’t wait for its debut.

  4. Chances of either Senator showing up is probably pretty slim for fear of an ambush. Warner I can see before Webb for like Edgy said I cant see Webb's temper taking it...

    Andrew brings up the point of "Why" should they respond to Karaffas request as compared to a groups invite. Could be a strong opportunity for the Senators to show that they care what the people say and want to meet with those that they represent...

    The chances of that happening?...

    As I stated in the original post I hope David K. is asking the Senators to respond for the right reasons and not the "Ambush" as many probably see it....

  5. I thought karaffa was the dog, or atleast on his leash?

  6. I lean towards being on a leash and a short one at that...

    The "Dog" will always be in the background pulling the strings to those who know not what is going on or how the manipulation works...
    Good news its just a matter of time until most learn and wake-up...
