Sunday, September 20, 2009

Deeds: "Won't admit it now but look at the history"...

Thanks to Virginia Right


  1. During the big blow-up about HB 3202, the bill that would create an additional layer of regional taxing authorities on Virginians; a plan that Mr. McDonnell was vocal in supporting, along with his idea to add TOLLs to existing Virginian highways, I did a a little research comparing what i might shell out in TOLLS versus what I would spend if the gas tax was raised a nickel per gallon.

    I drive about twice what the average driver in Virginia logs per year, 20,000 miles. Based on my gas mileage, I can expect to use about 1,000 gallons of gas each year. With a five cent increase, I will pay an additional fifty bucks per year for gas, while the average driver will pay only twenty-five dollars per gallon in gas per year.

    I hate TOLLS and the traffic snarls that they create. I hate an added layer of taxation brought on by regional taxing authorities.

    I would much rather chip in at the pump and be done with it and not have to search for exact change, or sit in lines at TOLL plazas while I am trying to get to a business client.

    Most Virginians hate TOLLS too and they will really hate them when they learn that Mr. McDonnell's plan is to hand over Virginia's roads to foreign owned toll road operating companies.

    Most important to this discussion is that Mr. Deeds has NOT said he favored a particular revenue source, but wisely stated that as Governor, he would place all options on the table and work with our Assembly to resolve the transportation funding problem.

    As for me, give me a gas tax increase, and give TOLL ROADS Death!

  2. Tolls are one option that force the ones that use the roads to pay. A gas tax makes everyone pay. The question is, which is more appropriate?

    The toll issue is easily resolved with EZ Pass. Hot lanes are great.

    The other issue with tolls, especially if they are placed to pay for a project, they never go away.

    The problem with gas tax is as cars get more fuel efficient and we move to alternative fuels, they will either need to be increased massively, which will hurt the poor the most - those that can't buy new vehicles. So, we will again be looking for a new revenue source in the (hopefully) not too distant future.

    Between the two options, I believe tolls are the option that will allow the users to pay and are fuel and mileage independent.

    And the less wealthy among us will only pay tolls if they decide to go that way. Their 1989 gas guzzling Explorer, which is all they can afford, will not cost them even more to operate.

    So, I can either take PoWhite, or an alternate route.

    (By the way, Tyler drives a brand new Jag, so don't let him fool you. I am kidding, of course.)
