Friday, September 25, 2009

"Democrat" Candidate Greg Marrow thinks our tax money is "FREE" money?...

Democratic Party Candidate Greg Marrow is running for the Delegate seat representing the VA 25th-district and during a debate last night stated that the $125 million dollars from the stimulus package not used for VA unemployment was"Free" money and "was lost to other states"


If you watch the video you will hear people in the audience attending the debate call out that this was not free money and "Out of my pocket"... 25 seconds into the video...


Please note the look on the Democratic Candidates face, along with the eye-roll and smirk, once the people he hopes to represent in Richmond, correct him on his idea of "Free" money and that money actually coming out of their pockets...

Marrow then goes on to pitch the idea of raising the taxes paid by corporations in Virginia for Virginia has "one of the lowest tax rates, its the fourth lowest in the country, and maybe we need to look at that"...


I found this idea by Marrow very interesting for I have heard and read many times how Marrow feels not enough has been done to attract new jobs to the Valley. Maybe Virginia is rated one of the best States for business growth in the country because we have low corporate taxrates? Simple economics shows that corporations will move towards States that have lower State taxes thus allowing the corporations to invest their profits back into companies in better benefits, more jobs, more efficient locations, and yes better profits for the shareholders. Over 50% of the population is invested in the stock market with their 401k and retirement plans...


Anybody with simple knowledge of economic policies understands that "CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES"!!!...

The consumer, you and me pays the increased taxrate in the price of the product we buy. Increased corporate tax rates result in corporations moving to other States and countries to avoid having their earned profits confiscated by the government. Look at the European countries and their growth rates over the last decade after they finally understood lower taxes increases productivity and incentive to work!!...


"Democrat" Candidate Greg Marrow is obviously on the "Stage One" level of the economic plan as described by Thomas Sowell in many of his books. What we need representing us in Richmond is a person that can see past the "Stage One" and onto levels that encourages smart and efficient growth in our economy...


Republican Delegate Steve Landes understands this and has done a great job representing us in Richmond. We need to keep him looking out for us as Delegate of the 25th district...


  1. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Marrow is an idiot! I love the video!

  2. Anonymous10:55 PM

    There is nothing more scary than a politician who thinks my hard earned paycheck is something for him to take. The fact that he thinks my paycheck is "FREE money" is why I am a Republican.

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    On the front page of the News Virginian today is a story about Steve Landes asking Greg Marrow to clarify his positions on taxes... in the article it says Greg Marrow describes himself as a "fiscal conservative." Can you believe that?! Wanting to tax corporations and thinking tax money is "free." He is not fiscal conservative for sure. Here is the story:
