Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mudcat... Is that more "Rednecks" per square mile or percapita?.... What kind of campaign is Deeds running?...

While working in Harrisonburg yesterday all of the talk was how President Jimmy Carter was coming to JMU to speak and receive a award for his humanitarian works over the years. Several of my co-workers were excited to have the former President coming to town but they did not seem to want to discuss Carter's comments recently where he made it apparent that he feels those who do not support President Obama and his policies are racist in their attitudes. "There is a feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be President"...

So in effect if I do not support President Obama's take over of General Motors, a failed Stimulus package, plans to take over\regulate the health care industry, and massive growth and spending in government agencies, I am a "Racist"?...
Then I get home only to find that longtime Democratic Strategist David "Mudcat" Saunders stated that there are "More Rednecks on route 1 in Alexandria than the sixth district of Virginia"... in a strategy call with operatives and the campaign of Creigh Deeds who is running for Governor of Virginia...

Besides the obvious "racist" comment made by "Mudcat" to the campaign workers of Creigh Deeds campaign, the question now is: What kind of campaign is Creigh Deeds running and what will they do next?
Creigh Deeds early on in his campaign brought on a political strategist Levar Stoney who was involved in a incident during the Kerry\Edwards campaign where he knew of operatives responsible for slashing the tires on vehicles rented by the local GOP to take voters to polling places. He only admitted knowledge of this incident once the FBI came a calling and now Creigh Deeds has this guy working on his campaign to become the Governor of Virginia?....
And let's not forget the efforts by the Creigh Deeds campaign in blocking up to 90% of the Bob McDonnell and GOP campaign signs with Deeds campaign signs during the recent Buena Vista Labor Day parade. This was more than simple "Sign Wars" tactics but a blatant act of desperation from a campaign that will do anything to promote their candidate. In fact another local Democratic Party candidate in the past, David Cox, has even awarded these tactics with his "Bee-Vee" award for winning the "Sign War" at the Buena Vista parade...
Fortunately this was viewed by many at the parade and within the media for what it was and showed how the citizens and voters of Virginia are tired of "Dirty politics" and tactics like these...

Just last week Creigh Deeds showed his frustration with his performances during the debates with Republican Bob Mcdonnell when he snapped at a reporter who was trying to pin Deeds down on taxes and where he was going to get revenue for all of his proposed spending projects...

We have all been asking for sometime "When will they ask Deeds the hard questions" and we now see how he reacts once pressed on how he intends to fund all of these "Progressive" ideas he would implement if elected Governor...


Numerous times Deeds has said that he would give tax credits for any business that creates a new job but many in the media and news services have failed to ask Deeds how would he fund this and what restrictions on a "New Job"?....


What type of "Job"?

Full time & Part time?

How long at Job?

How much of a "credit"?

How long will this program last?

Are "Undocumented" workers hired eligible?

In all industries or a select few?...

Are "Rednecks", as Mudcat Saunders describes them, eligible?...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Mudcat must not have been in NorVA Rt 1 lately-- Se Halba English?
