Tuesday, September 08, 2009

"Signs of Desperation"...

Once again the "Sign War" was waged at the Buena Vista Labor Day parade but few have ever seen it as blatant and one sided as seen by those attending the parade this year.

The placing of one parties candidates signs in front of the opposing candidates signs is nothing new but it was apparent this year that the Creigh Deeds campaign was in full desperation mode in their placement of their candidates signs. This was not just placing signs in the foreground of the opposing candidates sign to detract or overwhelm the original sign but an obvious act to block or cover the opposing candidates sign...

It is hard to believe that the workers placing the above large Bob McDonnell signs would have taken the extra effort to position these signs behind the Creigh Deeds yard signs if they were in fact there first. All along the parade route there was plenty of room to spread out the signs to be visible to all. Instead in many places it was an obvious and coordinated effort to block the Bob McDonnell and other Republican candidate signs. I was told the standard reply by a young man wearing a "Deeds Country" shirt that "somebody put some McDonnell signs in front of ours", and I asked him to please show me an example. I left him stuttering and still wait an example from him...

But while walking the entire parade route I only found one place where there were several McDonnell signs in front of a large Deeds sign. In fact this was a piece of property that I believe is owned by a Republican supporter and it appeared the Deeds sign was placed on a dirt hill behind the McDonnell signs that had already been placed earlier...

In fact this person wearing a Deeds shirt provides a visual example...

Interesting thing here is that the Ben Cline for Delegate (Republican) sign is being blocked by several Democratic Party Candidates signs who are not even running for that same office...

Imagine the amount of work it would have taken to place those large Bob McDonnell and Bill Bolling 4x8 signs under those Creigh Deeds signs if they in fact were there first?...

Blocking campaign signs with other signs was not the only desperation attempt made by the Deeds campaign and workers. The above McDonnell sign had been damaged and smeared with mud and the handprints were still obvious showing that this sign had not just fallen in the mud...

I had the opportunity to walk with a reporter from ABC 13 and signs were one of the topics we discussed. I asked him if he thought that the McDonnell volunteers would have purposely placed their candidates signs behind the opposing candidates (Deeds) signs thus blocking their own candidates signs... He found that interesting and did the following segment...


  1. I wonder though - its very obvious the Deeds people are doing that on purpose - IMO I would start looking at the benefits of the other candidate. If I feel they may be better for the community, I would definitely blow Deeds off - Democrat or Republican, that just isn't fair game.

    Place your yard signs somewhere else - putting them in front of the competition, and even in front of those who are not your competition is just childish.

  2. I ran into several people from the media that I know along the parade route and we spoke about the "Sign abuse" and it prominently beig done by the Deeds campaign. Several of these friends lean to the "Left" and they responded that it is done by both sides but when I asked for an example here and at that parade there was no response.

    This is nothing new but I have never seen it this bad in the Valley or at this parade. This was obvious and blatant abuse when a Deeds sign is placed completely in front of a Republican sign blocking it 100%...

    People (Voters) see these actions for what they are and in fact I have seen several newspaper articles with citizens talking about the obvious abuse done by the Deeds campaign and how they did not like the ugly politics used by the campaign. I believe it was in the Richmond paper that had the article...

  3. "Dennis Marchant, also of Buena Vista, said that he was still "up in the air" on the race for governor. He praised Deeds as a legislator, but questioned one parade tactic: "I noticed his people putting his signs right in front of McDonnell's. That irritated me."

    It was in the Roanoke newspaper


  4. Hey, I can't get the video to play.
