Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Money for Nothing?"....

YankeePhil had an interesting take on the $300 million that Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) now has for her state after coming up with her much needed vote this week on the health care bill, but it appears this Democratic Senator is not the only one getting a nice payoff for her efforts...
Donald Lambro has a outstanding article in the Washington Times regarding the $787 BILLION spending package that has also come out of the Obama administration and where that money is being found...
This article shows that Senator Mary Landrieu's (D-LA) Louisiana is getting more than the $300 Million that she just got for holding out on her vote until the last moment...

"In Louisiana, for example, the administration's Recovery.org Web site shows that nearly $5 million went to the state's 8th Congressional District, $2.8 million was spent in the 22nd District, $1.8 million in the 32nd District, and other monies spent in the 26th, 45th, 14th, 32nd and, inexplicably the 00 district. But Louisiana only has seven congressional districts."
Next time you see that AARP commercial who now supports the President's Health care package, think of how they did not support this package in the beginning but do now...
"Powerful Washington special interests who pocketed big checks from the stimulus bill included the AARP, which reaped $18.2 million, and then endorsed the president's health care plan. The National Council of La Raza, an immigrant rights advocacy group, got $156,620; a fund for the Service Employees International Union, one of the president's biggest union backers, got $265,136; the liberal Urban Institute received $1.443 million; and National Public Radio got $50,000."

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