Friday, December 18, 2009

"Never embarass your electorate"...

It's not the electorates fault that they are overweight, obese, have coronary disease, smoke, drink, and do not exercise but continue to gather at the buffet line without regard as to what they are doing to themselves...
We must provide them universal health care for it is their "Right"...
It's not the electorates fault that they have a house mortgage that they can't afford and will never be able to pay off because they bought a house way out of their price range...
It was the evil greedy bankers fault for giving them those mortgages and we must punish them for their evil deeds...
No wonder those "elected" and now in Washington working to make it "fair" for those who voted them there refuse to look at and address the real reasons and cause of many problems we are facing...


  1. Good point, and it ought to be obvious to everyone by now. How long can this folly go on? As long as there are enough people in other countries who are willing to sneak across our border and do the work that lazy-ass Americans should be doing.

    Have you seen the movie "Idiocracy"? That's where we are headed.

    What we need to do is get some of those obese, excessively fertile morons from the Jerry Springer or Judge Judy shows to testify before Congress. Maybe that would be enough to shame the Democrats. But probably not.

  2. Anonymous8:43 AM

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