Saturday, March 21, 2009

Augusta County Mass Meeting ~2009~


Augusta County Republican Committee mass meeting to elect Delegates to go to Richmond in May to elect the Republican slate for the election in November...

Congressman Bob Goodlatte with Chris Green

ACRC Chairman Bill Shirley

Delegate Chris Saxman

Marcus Averil

Carl Tate

Commissioner of the revenue Jean Shrewsbury

Beverly Manor Distric Chairman David Karaffa

Scott Sayre Vice-chairman 6th District

Friday, March 20, 2009

WEBB: "Obama wont take your guns"...


Back during the last Presidential campaign I recall hearing several radio messages from my Virginia Senator Jim Webb (D) telling me that Obama supports my gun rights and would not take them away from me…

Recently Virginia citizens with valid Concealed weapons permits have been allowed to carry their acceptable weapons in National Parks within Virginia as long as it was concealed and properly maintained. I am a avid hiker of the trails in Virginia and also a CWP holder and appreciated the ability to be able to defend myself while on the trail if needed. In my years of hiking the trails within Shenandoah National Park and the Blue Ridge Parkway I have had many enjoyable hikes. Unfortunately I have also run into people on the trails who make it a habit to stay at the shelters on the trail during the weekends who tend to drink and become “Rowdy”…

Recently there was an individual who was convicted in killing two hikers many years ago and served time in prison for the crime. He was then released and in a very short time later he shot two other individuals on the trail very near the location he committed the murders of two hikers…

A federal judge has now blocked the ruling permitting law abiding Virginia citizens with proper concealed weapons permits from defending themselves while in the parks. Washington Post reports: “A federal judge yesterday blocked a last-minute rule enacted by President George W. Bush allowing visitors to national parks to carry concealed weapons.”

“She noted that the government justified its decision to forgo an environmental analysis on the grounds that the rule does not "authorize" environmental impacts. Calling this a "tautology," she wrote that officials "abdicated their Congressionally-mandated obligation" to evaluate environmental impacts and "ignored (without sufficient explanation) substantial information in the administrative record concerning environmental impacts" of the rule.”

“Bryan Faehner, associate director for park uses at the National Parks Conservation Association, said his group is "extremely pleased" with both the court decision and the fact that Interior is now conducting an internal review of the rule's environmental impact. "This decision by the courts reaffirms our concerns, and the concerns of park rangers across the country, that this new regulation . . . has serious impacts on the parks and increases the risk of opportunistic poaching of wildlife in the parks, and increases the risk to park visitors”…

Environmental impacts?… What environmental impact are they looking for? I can understand Park Rangers being worried about people carrying loaded weapons in the parks but here is the little secret that many Gun Control advocates ignore…
CRIMINALS DISREGARD GUN LAWS AND ARE SUCH THE ONLY ARMED INDIVIDUALS IN GUN FREE ZONES!!! Refer to the Virginia Tech incident and see what happened there…

Senator Webb… Any comment?…

Devil's Marbleyard VA...


Hiked up to Devil's Marbleyard to have a look around for the first time this year. It is a great hike before the trees block your view from the trail. Once you get there you will find an eight acre field of large boulders and no trees or vegetation....

Directions and great write up available at Hiking Upwards...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Augusta County G.O.P Supporting Jeff Frederick...

A.C.R.C votes on resolution to support RPV Chairman Jeff Frederick


Whereas, the Augusta County Republican Committee believes that the strength of the Republican Party comes from the grassroots up, not the top down.

Whereas, in June 2008, the State Republican Convention elected Jeff Frederick as the State Chairman with an overwhelming vote ot the delegates.

Now, therefore, be resolved, that the Augusta County Republican Committee:

1] Fully endorses and supports the Republican Party of Virginia Chairman Jeff

2] We call on Republicans across the Commonwealth to focus on the elections
at hand. Chairman Frederick is doing the job he was elected to do, namely
to make the state party the servant of the local unit and not its master.

3] We call on the State Central Committee and senatorial caucus to also
fully endorse Chairman Jeff Frederick and assist him unconditionally to retake
the Commonwealth of Virginia for the Republican Party.

Members of the Augusta County Republican Committee voted by resolution to support Jeff Frederick as the Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia...

The majority of those attending this meeting voted to support Frederick as our Chairman after discussion of the known issues. Some of those who voted against Frederick in this resolution presented their viewpoints but the majority of those voting against the resolution agreed that they did not have enough facts to support a resolution. Discussion also progressed as to why the State Central representative for Augusta County was not present to provide information and facts on this matter to help members make a informative decision...

It appears that many members at the "Grassroots" level are being left out of the matter and that it will be left to the State Central members to decide what is "Right" for the Republican Party as they see fit(?)...

More over at Spank That Donkey

At least Obama knows who to quote...


"Looking at all of you, I'm reminded of a greeting President Reagan once offered the guests at this gathering. 'On St. Patrick's Day,' he said, 'you should spend time with saints and scholars. So I have two more stops to make.' "

-President Obama, speaking at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's St. Patrick's Day Lunch at the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Raines: $24.7 Million in fines but "this is an agreement to disagree"...

A little background info on those who claimed "Everythings fine" over at Fannie Mae and Freddie-Mac...

Watch the video then read what was reported by the Seattle Times...

WASHINGTON — "Former Fannie Mae chief Franklin Raines and two other top executives have agreed to a $31.4 million settlement with the government announced today over their roles in a 2004 accounting scandal."

"Raines, a Seattle native and prominent Washington figure who was President Clinton's budget director, is relinquishing company stock options, proceeds from stock sales and other benefits. His part of the settlement is worth $24.7 million"

Raines' total compensation from 1998 through 2004 was $91.1 million, including some $52.6 million in bonuses, according to OFHEO

"Fannie Mae paid a record $400 million civil fine in a settlement with OFHEO and the Securities and Exchange Commission. It also agreed to make top-to-bottom changes in its corporate culture, accounting procedures and ways of managing risk."