Saturday, February 27, 2010

S~A~W~ Staunton-Augusta-Waynesboro Breakfast....

Staunton ~ Augusta ~ Waynesboro
GOP Breakfast
February 27 - 8:00 a.m.
Country Cookin' - Staunton Mall

Guest Speaker
James Atticus Bowden

Jim's credentials are numerous and impressive...
Grass Roots
Political Activist, Former Chair-Poquoson City Committee,
Writer, Defense Consultant, Professor, Army Officer, Military Futurist, and much, much more!

(Good turnout and large crowd to hear Bowden speak and this is the first time I have had the opportunity to hear him. Very nice presentation followed up with contructive and beneficial question\answer session. This is the only photo I took of him for I did not want to interupt the session.)

Bowden has specialized in inter-disciplinary long range 'futures' studies for over a decade.
He is a retired United States Army Infantry Officer, graduate of the United States Military Academy,
and earned graduate degrees from Harvard University and Columbia University.
He holds three elected Republican Party offices in Virginia.

Jim is looking forward to being with us and ready for our questions and comments.

Let's give him a big, hearty welcome to The Valley !

Sponsored by S~A~W

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