Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli requests data used for "Global Warming" claims...

Representative James Moran, Virginia-Democrat, recently criticized Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s request for the supporting data related to the research of climate scientist Michael Mann while at the University of Virginia.

Moran accuses the Attorney General of using his position to “Stifle academic freedom” with his request for the data Mann gathered while at UVA and now being used by the Environmental Protection Agency to potentially regulate greenhouse gasses. These regulations will cost both Virginia and the United States millions in lost industry and jobs…

Attorney General Cuccinelli is seeking the data from Mann’s research to see if it was flawed, manipulated, or misused before it was used by the EPA in developing their new regulations. This after it has been learned that vast amounts of data from other research institutes has been manipulated in a way to support the “Global Warming” theory and thus the EPA’s decision.

Now we have numerous academic groups and even the American Civil Liberties Union expressing their objection to the AG’s request.

The Attorney General has responded with:
"The use of manipulated data to apply for taxpayer-funded research grants in Virginia is potentially fraud. Given this, the only prudent thing to do was to look into it."

If Mann’s research and data is the product from tax funded research grants it should be available for public and peer group review, and if there is nothing to hide this should be a non-issue…
Awhile back I did a post about how there is such hunger for grants at colleges and how Research Grants has become BIG business...
In fact while attending a community College and studying Marine Biology as a past time, I was also working on a Sportfishing boat as a living and the Marine Biology Director suggested I take a grant to "Count Birds"...
See Post here....

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