Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bama was mad when Supreme Court said Corporations could donate... What about the Unions?...

President Obama called out the Supreme Court at his last State of the Union speech for ruling that Corporations could donate toward political campaigns. But yet did he forget how many MILLIONS the labor unions donate, mostly to Democrats, each election cycle?
IBD has info here...

A bill making its way through the Senate would bail out union pension funds to the tune of $165 billion. The bill's author, Democratic Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, wants the public to pay for the gold-plated union retirement benefits that the funds have mismanaged into oblivion

This has to be galling to average working saps who watch as their 401(k)s and IRAs plummet, only to be asked to pony up billions of dollars in subsidies for unionized workers — many of whom get to retire into the lap of unlabored luxury while still in their 50s

Don't agree? According to, 12 of the 20 biggest spenders on public elections since 1989 have been unions. In just the 2008 election alone, unions spent $400 million dollars. Virtually all of it went to Democrats...

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