Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Mr. President... Thinking about turning off that Oil Valve?...

President Obama and his crew of Cabinet players have been busy following the advice of the President’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel when he said “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” And now it is evident that the gang in DC will do their best to blame, accuse, attack, fine, and portray the oil producing industry as the evil empire to the citizens of the United States at every opportunity since the Deepwater Horizon incident in the Gulf of Mexico…

But simple observations of the Administrations players since the explosion and sinking of the oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico makes it apparent the administrations lack of coordination, response, knowledge, and their true agenda with this incident…

Yesterday I heard a interview with Chris Wallace who had an interview with Secretary of Homeland Defense Janet Napolitano where he asked Napolitano what BP needed to do concerning the spreading oil slick that was headed towards land. Napolitano said “BP needed to do more” to stop the leak. Napolitano said “BP needed to do more” to control the oil on the surface. Napolitano said “BP needed to do more” to protect the shorelines…. Chris Wallace asked Secretary Napolitano several times what exactly BP specifically needed to do but Napolitano could only repeat the “BP needed to do more” mantra with no specific solution or actions offered. Truth is she did not have a clue as to what is needed to be done and is only out their to repeat the pre-packaged response from the Obama administration which is a prime example of the above “Never let a crisis go to waste” quote from the President’s Chief of staff… It is now obvious why Obama would never go onto FoxNews during the campaign or now to answer hard questions like the ones coming from Chris Wallace…

Would have loved to hear Wallace ask Secretary of Homeland Defense Janet Napolitano why were SWAT teams sent to other oil rigs in the gulf and if there is fear of a terrorist strike?… Why did you send SWAT teams to the rigs to inspect the rigs and for what? Is there info that this was an act of terrorism? Why else would you be sending SWAT teams to other oil rigs?

Then there was the quote from Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar when he met with BP management and engineers where he urged them “work harder and faster and smarter to get the job done”… Now there is some leadership and advice coming from a administration on the ball…

But Salazar did follow up with his version of taking advantage of a “crisis” when he said “We cannot rest and will not rest until BP permanently seals the wellhead and until they clean up every drop of oil” to assign blame on BP and the industry… Once again, place all blame on BP before you know exactly what happened. Why were those SWAT teams sent to the oil rigs again?…

So go ahead Mr. President. Blame BP and the oil industry for this disaster, or terrorist strike, or whatever the cause of the incident. Use this “crisis” opportunity to make this “Other than Green” energy industry out to be the evil empire that is the cause of all environmental problems in the world without acknowledging the importance of affordable energy to keep this nation running and producing…

The Obama administration, it’s Democratic party members in Congress, their environmental allies, Global Warming drones, and one-sided mainstream alphabet media outlets have focused for years on broadcasting the “obscene” billions made by the Oil\Gas industry in profits with it being “unfair”. But yet they fail to show or educate their simple minded followers, and voters, who do not comprehend how simple economics work and how it effects us all…

But let us look at what the oil companies have paid the government(s) over the years as compared to their profits: “over the past 25 years, oil companies directly paid or remitted more than $2.2 trillion in taxes, after adjusting for inflation, to federal and state governments—including excise taxes, royalty payments and state and federal corporate income taxes. That amounts to more than three times what they earned in profits during the same period, according to the latest numbers from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and U.S. Department of Energy.”

Where is John Gault?...

With all that tax revenue over the years you would think our “all knowing” and “all caring” government would have the essential equipment on hand for a major oil spill like this. Turns out they Did NOT have the needed booms required to burn off the oil when it was first concentrated in the early days of the incident. But reading this you find that our government(s) have failed us again. To quote Sec Home\Defense Napolitano: our Govt. “needed to do more”….

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