Friday, July 09, 2010

Jimmy Buffett... Stick with what you know, Music!...

Jimmy, do us all a favor and do what you do best... Music & singing....
Can't blame you much during the Obama campaign when you came out supporting the "Change" that Obama was promising, for many of you who have made it BIG in showbiz and the music industry have done that possibly out of guilt, but why do you still support this President after what you have seen in the last 18 months?...
In fact now you come out with this attack on President Bush regarding the oil spill in the gulf while disregarding Obama's inept actions and mis-direction...
"To me it was more about eight years of bad policy before (Obama) got there that let this happen. It was Dracula running the blood bank in terms of oil and leases," he said. "I think that has more to do with it than how the president reacted to it."
Dracula running the "blood bank"?
Was it not the Obama administration running the show for 17 months before this happened?
Is it o.k. to take credit for good things that happened during the previous administration but yet blame bad things on the prior President?
The next bad thing that happens will also be Bush's fault?
Why has not Obama suspend the Jones act and allowing foreign countries to use the skimmers and other equipment they offered days after the incident?
Is it the Labor Unions keeping Obama from suspending the Jones act?
How much oil and precious wetlands could have been recovered\protected if Obama had acted right away?
Thanks for doing the concert to help the people effected by the spill, but how much of the expenses will your taxguys write off from the show as a charitable donation?
You may not take any $$$ directly from the concert, t-shirts, Live CD's, posters, programs, but what will be the value of the "face time" and publicity that your "image" will gain?
or will that be considered as a "in-kind" donation towards Obama's next election fund?....
Your marketing guys have done you well and I am sure you will do well from this concert in the end as well. In fact you might be able to raise the price of the "Cheeseburger in Paradise" in Key West past the $10 it already is...
.You have done some great music (old stuff) in the past and please get back to doing some more but when doing your concert howbout ask some of the above questions regarding the current President?...
Six years I lived in Key West but never saw you down there but I was asked by many tourists where you were during that time... Another great function of your marketing guys....


  1. Oh, c'mon! Didn't you know that Jimmy Buffett is really Joe Biden?!?!?

  2. Take the $$$ and mouth off. Jerk.
