A lot of veterans use Petraeus' re-assignment to Afganistan as a demotion. This is true, most likely because a ruffled a few feathers in the Obama administration. Obviously, Obama has it out for Petraeus in one way or another for not voting against the MoveOn.org attack ad in the New York times while in the Senate. Nonetheless, he is the best man for the job. He paved the way for counter-insurgent studies, thought, tactics, and stargegy... which applied under his leadership help turn the war in Iraq around. I think he is still the right man for the job. Anyone interested in learning more should read "The Gamble" which describes the turn around in Iraq under Petraeus.
A lot of veterans use Petraeus' re-assignment to Afganistan as a demotion. This is true, most likely because a ruffled a few feathers in the Obama administration. Obviously, Obama has it out for Petraeus in one way or another for not voting against the MoveOn.org attack ad in the New York times while in the Senate. Nonetheless, he is the best man for the job. He paved the way for counter-insurgent studies, thought, tactics, and stargegy... which applied under his leadership help turn the war in Iraq around. I think he is still the right man for the job. Anyone interested in learning more should read "The Gamble" which describes the turn around in Iraq under Petraeus.