Saturday, August 28, 2010

Congressman Tom Perriello (D) slip of tongue or truth?...

Congressman Tom Perriello (Democrat 5th district) has changed his wording of his "Favorite Quote" as shown here...

Was it a slip of the tongue the first time or did he say what he believes and has since changed his "Favorite Quote" to avoid problems during his campaign for re-election?...

Fortunately in this video a constituent at one of his townhall meetings called him on his "Favorite Quote" as the media should have done...

Keith Drake has some interesting points made here.....

This reminds me of another Democrat candidate for State Delegate who was running against Delegate Steve Landes this past November. Democrat candidate Greg Marrow made the following statement during a debate... and seen here:

Democratic Party Candidate Greg Marrow is running for the Delegate seat representing the VA 25th-district and during a debate last night stated that the $125 million dollars from the stimulus package not used for VA unemployment was"Free" money and "was lost to other states"

There seems to be an obvious pattern here with the views and agendas of our Democrat friends when it comes to our taxpayer money.....




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