Friday, August 27, 2010

The "Day After Tomorrow" Marketing agenda....

I have been following the "Letters to the Editor" section of the Roanoke Times newspaper regarding the recent story of a 100 sq. mile section of the Arctic's Petermann Glacier that broke off of Greenland and with that "Environmentalists say Arctic ice melt caused by global warming"...
These letters first caught my attention when Chris Hall, a aerospace engineering professor from Blacksburg VA, responded to a "rant" by a Associated Press writer that the Roanoke Times printed and that eluded to a 20ft sea level rise if this 100 sq\mile Chunk-O-Ice was to melt....
Hall came up with some great calculations showing that if this "Chunk" was to melt and raise the sea level by 20 ft as stated by the AP writer the Ice Chunk "the 100-square-mile ice sheet would have to be more than 5,000 miles thick to produce the (devastating) global sea rise"....
After reading this response by Hall and studying the calculations for a bit I went back to the original article written by the AP writer and how the Roanoke Times presented the article, and found how the wording by the AP writer cleverly twisted the description of a "20-ft rise" in the sea level...
"Few images can capture the world's climate fears like a 100-square- mile (260-square-kilometer) chunk of ice breaking off Greenland's vast ice sheet, a reservoir of freshwater that if it collapsed would raise global sea levels by a devastating 20 feet (6 meters)."...
So if the entire "Greenland's vast ice sheet" was to melt, if possible, would that result in the "20-ft sea level rise" as presented by the AP writer or is it if the 100 sq\mile ice chunk melting and raising the sea levels by 20-feet?....
Its all how you read it but from what I see talking to people at work and friends many believe, and worry, that if the 100 sq\mile chunk melts we are all going to treading water. Those who read the initial statement and think about it soon understand it would take the entire "Greenland vast ice shelf" to melt, possible(?), to result in any significant sea level rise. A misunderstanding that I am sure the AP writer could have prevented if he wanted to or maybe the writer intended to get the "Global Warming Spin" that he did from many in the public...
I contacted Chris Hall and asked him about the wording and he agreed that any(?) significant sea level rise would only come from the entire "vast ice shelf" melting and this is why he responded with his calculations to the AP article printed by the Roanoke Times... I would love to see the actual calculations if the "entire vast ice shelf" was to melt for I doubt the AP writer had any realistic calculations done and just pulled the "20-ft" rise number out of the air, which I am sure he would claim was abnormally warm from "Global Warming"....
Before writing this I rented the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" and it took about 15 minutes into it before all reality flew out the window and the agenda was revealed, but the graphics and scenes of NYC being underwater were interesting... Far fetched, Yes, but like this movie and the phrasing used by the AP writer in the above mentioned article, this "globally warmed" spin does work with many in the public and has resulted in a Congress that might just push through a damaging environmental agenda that will result in far more then the fable 20ft rise...
Vice-President Al Gore has been pointing towards potential rising sea levels due to global warming for years if we do not act within the next few weeks to support his agenda.
Before moving to Virginia almost 10 years ago I lived in the Florida Keys and worked on a sportfishing boat for 6 years. The Key that I lived on had a highland elevation mark of about 4 feet as most of the Florida Keys do. To this day I call my friends in Key West every month or so to see if they are underwater yet?...
It's all in the agenda...

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