Sunday, September 19, 2010

Made in China, owned by Italy, Operated by Spain, and will be drilling 40 miles off Key West...

The Key West paper reports that Cuba will be drilling offshore of the Florida Keys sometime next Summer as we sit idle due to the Obama moratorium on offshore drilling...

By next summer, a huge semi-submersible oil rig is expected to be stationed about 40 to 50 miles from Key West for deepwater drilling to explore for oil in the Straits of Florida.

The rig is part of a vast international business operation. The vessel was made in China, it’s owned by the Italian oil company Eni SpA, and it will be operated by Repsol, Spain’s oil and natural gas firm, which is also leasing the area known as the Jaguey from Cuba to look for oil.

And now the Obama administration is striving to raise taxes on Oil & Natural Gas operations who already pay an enormous tax rates when you look at it...

This week, the American Energy Alliance issued a new report quantifying the dire impacts of proposals aimed at hiking taxes on oil and natural gas companies.

As reported over at the energy tomorrow site...

Americans overwhelmingly oppose raising taxes on America's oil and natural gas industry, and most believe higher taxes could kill jobs. According to a survey commissioned by API and conducted by Harris Interactive, 62 percent opposed an increase in taxes on the industry, and 60 percent said it could destroy jobs.


  1. Why don't the Republicans advocate that WE buy our own drilling rigs and go drill off of other countries shores - like Cuba or Venezuela?

    that would be a proactive, self-reliant, jobs-producing approach as opposed to blaming others for what you don't like about their approaches.

    What not drop the ideological sniping and support something positive?

  2. Many of us see that it is now best to invest in other economies as compared to the American because of the limits being placed by the Obama administration, congress and house...

    Many see that in the near future it looks like tax rates will be going up. Yes UP and not just returning to prior rates as many on the LEFT like to describe the increased taxrates... We also see an increase in capital gains tax that will take more of our money to fuel the runaway spending Obama and crew are doing right now including the BILLIONS being spent to prop up union pensions and the likes... And what makes you think there will be your "Fair share" of Social security money that you paid into all of your working life? Many believe the Govt will look at your assests and determine that you have "too much" and dont need that money you paid in....

    So who does the Obama moritorium on drilling serve right now?

  3. what a ROYAL COP OUT!

    none of this stuff was going on before Obama?

    what little world are you living in cuz it's not the REAL WORLD.

    You guys want to fight two wars you don't want to pay for them.

    Ya'll want to pretend that tax cuts will pay for them - even when it turns out that it does not.

    that's not the world we actually live in..

    Obama propping up pensions?

    Again.. what world are you living in guy?

    have you ever heard of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation?

    do you know when it was signed into law?

    How about 1974 - or 35 years ago.

    Do you know who signed it into law?

    How about Richard Nixon.

    Again - I don't mind the advocacy of alternative views of govt and budget but when you just outright misrepresent what one President has done (or not) and ignore the history - you're really not far removed from partisan hackery and I'm going to call you out on it when you practice it because we already have too much of this crappola that is part of the so-called dialog these days.

    I'll do the same for the left-wing loons.. also.

    but no more free lunch for youse guys that just cannot get your "real world" act together.

  4. Is there a moratorium to drilling off of Cuba or Venezuela?

    If you believe that our companies should actually compete in the world - then why complain when they are free to go out and compete?

    and while you are at it - why not convince a majority of people in Va that drilling in the Chesapeake Bay is true self-reliance?

    Why doesn't Virginia make a statement about exploring and drilling it's own resources for it's own state instead of whining about other offshore that is off limits?

    Can Virginia set an example?

    All you have to do is convince a majority of Virginians so why not make THAT your narrative instead of whining and complaining about others?

  5. actually the above post was made to follow up and provide a link to several friends and bloggers who
    I have discussed the drilling and drilling moratorium in the Gulf over the past month or so. They would understand the meaning of pointing out the the rig made in China, owned by Italy, and operated by Spain,was to follow up on prior posts and conversations regarding the limitations now placed on the Gulf after the
    Deepwater Horizon incident. Not being part of that group I am sure you viewed it as "Whinning" without any prior substance...

    How about we attack spending as hard as we are attacking the Bush taxcuts?
    All I hear on the radio is how by not expiring the taxcuts and allowing the workers to keep their earned money, this will
    contribute trillions to the debt in the future. Why dont I hear from either party and especially the Republicans how we need
    to and where we can cut the spending. There is an incredible amount of waste, fraud, and just plain unnecessary government
    that is going on before we take more money from the citizens in taxes...

    "Cost of two wars without paying for them"
    What would have been the cost of not reacting to the attacks on 911?
    Would no aggressive action resulted in a stronger terrorist state and additional attacks on American citizens?
    Many claim that Iraq was not directly involved in the 911 attacks but yes they dealt in terrorism and terrorist
    and were a threat to the United States and the middle east region. Were and are there other terrorist states out there? Yes, and with beating down Iraq, Hussein, and his command structuure (which he used to invade Kuwait)
    sent a message to all terrorist the U.S. was and still is pushing back against those who attack us.... Same thing
    for talk about cutting our defense budget. After what 911 did to our economy do we really want to cut defenses?

    What is a "Fair amount" to take from people in taxes? Even if Obama gets what he wants with increasing the taxes only
    on the top bracket, what is a "Fair" amount to take from them? 35 to 39% if he gets his way but when is enough?
    Go back to pre-Reagan levels of 70%? Or even back to pre-Kennedy levels of 90%? What is "Fair" to you?
    And why only the top bracket? If we are all in this debt dont we ALL own it? Should not everybody pay more into the
    system to deal with the debt. Now with over 50% of the population getting somekind of FedGov as reported, Why only
    punish and increase taxes on those making over $25K and where does it stop?...

  6. "actually the above post was made to follow up and provide a link to several friends and bloggers who
    I have discussed the drilling and drilling moratorium in the Gulf over the past month or so. They would
    understand the meaning of pointing out the the rig made in China, owned by Italy, and operated by Spain,
    was to follow up on prior posts and conversations regarding the limitations now placed on the Gulf after the
    Deepwater Horizon incident. Not being part of that group I am sure you viewed it as "Whinning" without any
    prior substance..."

    well I did not notice any other responses....

    but why are you conflating the broader concept of other countries drilling around the world and offshore of other countries with regulation in the US in the first place - as many of these other countries ALSO HAVE REGULATIONS and many are even more strict than ours?

    Why does that not make them "anti oil company" also?

    "Cost of two wars without paying for them"
    What would have been the cost of not reacting to the attacks on 911?
    Would no aggressive action resulted in a stronger terrorist state and additional attacks on American citizens?"

    why did we not pay for them?

    "Many claim that Iraq was not directly involved in the 911 attacks but yes they dealt in terrorism and terrorist
    and were a threat to the United States and the middle east region. Were and are there other terrorist states out
    there? Yes, and with beating down Iraq, Hussein, and his command structuure (which he used to invade Kuwait)
    sent a message to all terrorist the U.S. was and still is pushing back against those who attack us.... Same thing
    for talk about cutting our defense budget. After what 911 did to our economy do we really want to cut defenses?"

    why do you refuse to answer the germane question and go back to blathering about why we started the wars?

    The question is - if we thought the wars were necessary why did we not feel that paying for them was also necessary?

    Please answer that question.

    How about we attack spending as hard as we are attacking the Bush taxcuts?"

    How about we use PAYGO when we increase spending or cut taxes and make sure the other side of the equation balances?

    "All I hear on the radio is how by not expiring the taxcuts and allowing the workers to keep their earned money, this will
    contribute trillions to the debt in the future. Why dont I hear from either party and especially the Republicans how we need
    to and where we can cut the spending. There is an incredible amount of waste, fraud, and just plain unnecessary government
    that is going on before we take more money from the citizens in taxes..."

    conflating once again.

    are you equating the stimulus policy the same as waste and abuse and unnecessary govt?

    Where is the list of govt cuts and price tags that you support?

    Why did you not provide this list when you advocated tax cuts?

    "What is a "Fair amount" to take from people in taxes? Even if Obama gets what he wants with increasing the taxes only
    on the top bracket, what is a "Fair" amount to take from them? 35 to 39% if he gets his way but when is enough?
    Go back to pre-Reagan levels of 70%? Or even back to pre-Kennedy levels of 90%? What is "Fair" to you?
    And why only the top bracket? If we are all in this debt dont we ALL own it? Should not everybody pay more into the
    system to deal with the debt. Now with over 50% of the population getting somekind of FedGov as reported, Why only
    punish and increase taxes on those making over $25K and where does it stop?..."

    How about the tax rate when Clinton was President and he delivered a balanced budget.

    You guys are YAHOOs.

    pick your poison but do your job.

    taxes are lower now than in the past 50 years.. and the budget is not balanced.

  7. We can talk forever about what is "fair"... but what is most UNFAIR and an INSULT is for a political party bill themselves as the responsible party of fiscal conservatives and that others are irresponsible

    and then....

    you don't deliver ...

    but rather ..blame...

    ya'll are just not a responsible party these days.

    I used to count on you guys being the fiscal "grown-ups" but you killed that idea under Bush...

    and the worst part - is - you don't admit it and don't correct your ways..

    you just, instead, engage in the blame game and fiscal jihads.....

    why don't ya'll get back to basics and at least operate the way your claimed principles say you do?

    This is my biggest complaint with the Republicans now days.

    You guys are ALL TALK and NO WALK.

    and I'm not alone on this - ya'll got a bunch of Tea Party folks 180% from my politics ALSO chewing on you.

  8. re: " actually the above post was made to follow up and provide a link to several friends and bloggers who
    I have discussed the drilling and drilling moratorium in the Gulf over the past month or so..."

    If your blog is intended to be restricted - then let me know and I'll unsubscribe from the RSS.

  9. Unlike many blogs I do not moderate comments or restrict people from stating their opinions so it is not restricted.

    You are welcome to come, go, comment, as long as you do not personal attack...

    I am sorry, was I "Blathering" there?.....

  10. I do not attack people.. but I have been known to attack their ideas... with relish at times if my BS meter sounds - and it does often in political rhetoric.

    "blather" happens... and does not discriminate ...

    dialog... if we are EVER get past the totally dysfunctional state of politics .. the only hope is that we be willing to talk and try to find common ground and move on that.

    failing that - we're in deep doo doo

  11. If we had paid for the two wars by NOT doing tax cuts OR we AGREED that if the tax cuts did not actually generate the additional revenues to pay for the wars that we WOULD have to pay taxes to pay for the wars and your guys delivered to Obama the same situation that you got delivered to you from Clinton -

    you would have had a leg to stand on with regard to stimulus ... but it's kinda hard making that case when you guys were such bad boys when you had the "con".

    I don't have a trouble with moratoriums and regs that are within the range of that done by other countries... of which some are stricter than ours and I don't understand why we have this problem in our thinking.

    do you want regulation on eggs to prevent Salmonella?

    yes or no?

    do you want your kids eating food that may poison him/her or do you want standards?

    yes or no?

    I believe you want regs also but won't admit it and the argument you make is essentially that you do want regs but not the kind I would want...

    but we do this in such a way as to rule out a compromise on it from the get go and portray it as a fundamental difference in values that cannot be resolved and therefore you need to get your guys in office to do it the way you want - without consultation...

    that's not governing...

    that's "ruling".....

    ya'll are getting quite bad at this part.

  12. Y'all, is a contraction or informal form of the phrase "you all", and is pronounced as one syllable or disyllable . It is used as a plural second-person pronoun. ...

    sorry about the bad spelling

