Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Racism" as a weapon in the 5th district?....

Now I need to warn you of the language that you will experience in the above video of a Democrat Candidate Perriello supporter the other day when he cam along a legal, peaceful, rally that was setting up in the 5ht district....


I had thought there would probably be some form of intimidation, civil disturbance, and\or noise coming from the "Left" since it looks like the Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello is facing a good chance at losing his office, but did not expect this....


The irate and perfect example individuals in the video are attacking people from the group "Americans for Prosperity" who I have in the past and continue to support their efforts. I have attended several of their functions and seminars and the claims of racism towards this group and it's members are far from true or reality. This is nothing more than a last ditch desperate attack from the "Left" in the last innings of the game...


More info and further thoughts available over at Bearing Drift...

I am sure that this YouTube video will be seen by many and I am sure Congressman Perriello will also see it. "What say you" Congressman?


1 comment:

  1. Clearly, these guys have had waaaaaaay too much Kool-Aid!
