Monday, October 04, 2010

Tax-cuts?... No worry, it's VACATION time!...

Congressman Bob Goodlatte released his weekly column and made some interesting points with data to back it up...

"Last week by a vote of 209-210, with Speaker Pelosi casting the deciding vote, House Democrats voted to adjourn Congress, sending Members home, without stopping a massive $3.9 trillion tax increase that will affect every American. By putting politics before the American people, the Majority in Congress has voted to keep the threat of looming tax increases and the cloud of uncertainty they have created hanging over our economy."

Now how many times recently have you heard President Obama and his "Congress Majority" claim that they are going to give the "middle class" a break by extending the Bush tax-cuts and only stick it to the "Rich" and anybody making over $250K ?...

So why did they go on "Vacation" without fulfilling this pledge?

They have the majority in both the House and the Senate so why did they not vote on the extension of taxcut for the middle class that they promised?

Many from the "Left" will claim that is was no use for they did not have the "Super Majority" to prevent a filibuster but why did they not take the vote and then go home to campaign on how the Republicans kept them from extending the taxcuts to the middle class?

The truth is they know the "Majority" of the people they are going home to face before the election next month do NOT want any of the taxcuts to expire and know of the damage to the economy if the Democrats get their wish...

"In just three months, the largest tax increase in history is set to take effect, imposing unprecedented tax increases on small businesses and their employees who are already struggling to make ends meet. With 94 percent of small businesses expecting to see their tax bills increase this spells more bad news for our struggling economy."
Many small businesses are those guys making over $250K and many of us work for those guys. They make over $250K and thus considered "Rich" by Obama & gang but that is gross amount before paying many bills, insurances, payrolls, equipment replacement, and the likes.
"More than 90 percent of all American employers are small businesses and they generate approximately 70 percent of the new jobs created in the United States each year. Small businesses are crucial to the American economy and account for a significant majority of new product ideas and innovation. Small business owners across the country want to invest in their firms and hire new workers, but instead they are bracing for costly new tax increases."

I have heard President Obama several times state that he has provided small business eight different taxcuts and relief since taking office but obviously these 8 taxcuts have NOT worked to encourage or give faith to the small businesses who fear a large tax increase in the near future....

"The difference between certainty and uncertainty for businesses is the difference between a thriving and stagnant economy. The first thing we must do is remove barriers to employment including the threat of higher taxes. It is common-sense that you should not raise costs and taxes on employers at a time when unemployment is so high."


Something that many of us can understand but seems to elude our Congress and President. Or maybe they did not want to commit to a vote until after the election and they see what numbers they (Democrats) or if they even have a majority in either House and\or Senate....

Once again our "Politicians" will come home, promise us the world or whatever they have to get our vote, and point the fingers at the other guys which the President has become accustomed to calling "The Party of No"....

But the surprise will be that it is actually the "Party of Know" and it's not just the Republicans who are the party of "Know". Many of those who voted Obama into office have also become the party of "Know" and they see what he has done and desires to do to our country and economy...




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