Sunday, November 07, 2010

Is "Hockey Stick" Prof. Michael Mann hiding something?....

Recently, the JMU faculty came out in support of "academic freedom" and Professor Michael Mann in his refusal to release his data supporting his manmade global warming claims and conclusions, as requested by Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli. The AG is seeking the data to determine if any fraud was committed against the taxpayers who funded Mann's research while at U.Va.
This was contradicted in several "leaked" e-mails that eluded to data manipulation to get his desired results and his "Hockey Stick" theory.
Is it a matter of "academic freedom" or simple accountability of the data compiled with the use of taxpayer money that funded Professor Mann's research and conclusion? Research grants acquired by professors bring much to universities, and this, too, has become a big business in itself.
Over at the American Spectator, there is information disclosing the amount of grant money Mann has been associated with, and it totals more than $6 million. This shows research grants are "big business" to say the least.
It is obvious research is both a valuable and a needed aspect along with being a "big business" in itself, but when it is the result of taxpayer funded grants, should not we have access to the data supporting the conclusions?
This Letter to the Editor appeared recently in the Staunton NewsLeader and it is interesting to see the comments that came in regarding this issue....

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