Saturday, December 04, 2010

Local Harrisonburg VA Activist go to Cancun, Mexico to "Celebrate"(?) Global Warming?....

The local Harrisonburg newspaper reports that a local "Environmentalist\Political activist" couple from the Harriosnburg area is now attending the Climate Action Alliance gathering being held in Cancun, Mexico.... (See above video of the event)

Both Charles and Cathy Strickler have been active in the area and I have seen their Letters to the Editors in the paper numerous times and they are indeed very "active" in the local happenings of the Valley....

During this same week the same newspaper highlighted some wisdom from Mr. Strickler in a Open Forum letter to the people of the valley. Impressive opportunity for Strickler to broadcast his views and beliefs but the original article printed in The News Leader should have asked the activists the obvious questions regrding the reason for this trip to Cancun and the event itself....

In his Open Forum letter Strickler stated:

The big financial institutions went happily on their way, selling homes to people who could not afford them, and passing the loans on to others who did not care about those involved. Just give me mine! Some even made money by betting that the market would crash (AIG). Some tried to get people to change their ways, to get better regulations on borrowing, etc., but of course, things got out of hand and now we are all paying the price. There were a few people who predicted the financial problem. What would have happened if 90 percent of all financial advisers had been saying that the economy was not sustainable?

But yet was it not the Democratic Party majority controlled Congress that allowed the above actions to continue and infact encouraged it? Remember Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and how many of the Congresspeople from the Democrat party supported its actions in loaning money to those who obviously could not afford it?.... Remember the videos of Congressman Charlie Rangle on the floor stating Fannie and Freddie are just fine?..And as much as I am sure that the Stricklers love and appreciate the predictions made by Glen Beck, he has been reporting and predicting the current financial mess for years.....


On the climate side, there are some who get it and are doing all they can to change their lives by reducing their carbon use. Besides, it also makes good economic sense to insulate your house and drive a fuel efficient vehicle. And if you truly understand the science, you have great concern for your children and grandchildren.


Now about those 1,500 activists that are attending the get-together in Cancun, Mexico...

What is the "Carbon footprint" of that travel and how was that trip to and from Harrisonburg, Virginia? Maybe the Stricklers bought the appropriate "Carbon Credits" from the Al Gore boondoggle of a program....


Models of our environmental future do not paint a very pretty picture. No one knows with certainty exactly how it will turn out, but the scientists whom we have relied on in the past tell us that we are headed for a very different and difficult environmental future. Can we as individuals and collective citizens make a difference in the outcome? I am trying to do my part and hoping that you will do your part too.

Obviously... Are the numerous airpanes from Harrisonburg area airport to and from Cancun, Mexico of the Hybrid electric\gas type?.....




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